Low framerate problem with almost every recent games

Rare Pepe

Aug 8, 2015
Hi i'm getting a fps drops problem with almost all recent games and i tried everything. My temperatures are fine, Nothing running in background, Unparked Cores, latest Drivers, single display mode, High perf mode etc.. and the usual stuff.

My Specs :
Image : http://imgur.com/a/XuQgr

Windows 10 64bit
Intel i5-3750K 3.40ghz 4 cores
Gtx 970
12Gb RAM
250Gb SSD
Cosair TX650M
Asus P8Z77-V LE
Speccy : http://imgur.com/a/XuQgr

Especially in the new battlefield i can't even keep 60 fps most of the time even at medium i get a Low Frame client error when i see too much smoke or fire or people it just dips to 30-40 and sometime they are random or when i'm running.

The new Hitman is almost impossible to play when i get huge crowds and huge outdoor detailed maps even on medium it drops to 20-30.

Mafia 3 is straight up impossible to play even at low settings the fps is all over the place

Fallout 4 stutter a lot when i'm in highly populated area
even in rocket league sometimes i see some graphical glitches and stutter.

I really don't know what to do most of these games i should be able to run at high/ultra easy but i feel something is bottlenecking the whole system. I just spent a good amount of money on my 970 and I can't enjoy it.

Thx for the help. i know my way around computers but im not a huge nerd so don't expect me to play in the bios and stuff.

Try what elbert said about Nvidia drivers. I know nothing about Nvidia drivers, since I've owned AMD graphics cards ever since I've been toying with and building PC's, let alone Macs.

Surprisingly, you're probably at about the limit of your GTX970, especially in BF1 if you've turned up your graphics pretty high. It takes quite a more powerful graphics card (GTX1060, GTX980ti, or better) to sort of max out the graphics settings in BF1 at good framerates (60fps+) at 1080p. A GTX1070 is more...
Watching your framerates dying in BF1 or Hitman or Mafia3 or FO4 is probably a result of your aging 3750k (by today's standards, anyway), and would definitely benefit from a mild to medium overclock.

Now you said you even get graphical glitches in Rocket League. Is your power supply okay? Short of OS problems like drivers/driver conflict, which could be solved by reformatting the drive and reinstalling windows, I'd begin the troubleshooting at the power supply, the only component in the PC that could be causing universal problems across the entire system, short of heat.

Speaking of heat, what are your temps like under load? Have you taken a can of compressed air (or a leaf blower) and cleaned out your PC? Heat can definitely cause every symptom you've listed.

Edit: definitely clean out every heat sink you can find, especially the graphics card and power supply. graphics card heat sinks are like the biggest dust magnets aside from your power supply, vacuum cleaner, and 100% cotton socks.
Hi thanks for the answer! i don'T know how to check my CPU temp under load could you tell me how do i just open throttlestop and play and check the max tab afterwards?? and i will absolutely follow the cleaning advice but when i installed my GPU a month ago the computer guy said it was not dusty and all was fine but i'm a smoker so maybe dust got in somehow.

I don't not know how to overclock my CPU and i would like a step by step guide to help me if you know one.
I was thinking about changing my CPU maybe that'S what i will have to do. But if i can overclock it i'd be happy to save some bucks.


Download and install CPU-Z as well as CPUID HWMonitor. Open CPU-Z, find the tab labelled "Bench" and click on the button that says "Stress CPU". It isn't a full 100% load, but it's enough to give you an idea of how hot your CPU is getting. Let it run in the background for about 15-20 minutes, while looking at the temperatures listed in HWMonitor. There should be a bunch of temperatures, one per core, and one overall. Report back to us with the highest temperatures recorded per core, or post a screenshot. You could use Speccy if you wanted to measure temps, since you already have it.

Tobacco smoke leaves a sticky residue on everything, especially something that sucks in air all the time like a computer. Dust sticks better to sticky things. As a smoker, you're going to have to do wayyy more deep cleaning than the average non-smoker. I was once a smoker, so I know how it goes. Smoke outside, or at least in a different room from the computer. Keep the room well ventilated, so the smoke doesn't just sit around.

There are plenty of good guides on Youtube for how to overclock CPU's. All I can tell you right now is to take it very slow, be patient, and expect it to take between a couple days and a couple weeks. Check twice, change once. I once spent over a half a year perfecting an overclock, changing one tiny setting every day and seeing what changes it made to overall performance and stability. Overclocking is not an exact science. No one can tell you "input these numbers and it'll work 100%". Anyone that tells you they can has a screw loose in their head, or has little experience overclocking. Get comfortable with the clear CMOS procedure. Don't set any expectations. Anything you achieve over stock is already outside normality, so to speak.

You've got a Z77 motherboard, and not a bad one either, so at least you have this option available to you. There's a first time for everything. There's a learning curve, but more knowledge is never a bad thing. Everyone's gotta start from somewhere.

[then maybe you can overclock your graphics card too 😉]

Wow thanks for this detailed answer
I started the stress test 10 minutes ago waiting for the answers so far i have about 50 Celsius average
I did just cleaned up my Cooler Master CPU fan it was FULL OF CRAP. Insane amount of dust and burn residue from my smoking probably. Hope this helps
Brb with the temp results

This is my results after 15 minutes of stress test

Those temperatures look good. Really good. Cleaning it definitely helped. Good to see the situation is improving. Did you clean out the rest of your computer too, like the power supply and graphics card?

Now for the real test: see if playing games isn't still slow, choppy, and bad, especially Battlefield 1. Fallout 4 isn't a well-optimized game, and Hitman is horribly unoptimized. Leave HWMonitor running to record your highest temperatures, and go have some fun. :)

The 375 drivers are bugged badly. I suggest you revert to you last know working drivers. I think 374.xx is what you need to get back in the game. Every new version just fixes a few problems.

Driver 375.86 Notes -- Recommended. No issues on my end. However, Nvidia has acknowledged that there are issues with jittery menu on Battlefield 1 as well as Memory clock being stuck at 810 Mhz so please beware

Helped a little but i have still horrible drops when smoke and fire are involved my mouse gets all choppy and it's unplayable 🙁 I can play kinda well on medium but it's frustrating not being able to enjoy the full potential of my card.

Edit : nevermind tried again and it's worse for some reason i give up. I tried on medium and it get all jittery impossible to play...i saw some people on youtube with the exact stuff i have and they run at ultra. Frustrating i'll take the computer to the gaming pc store next to my house to fix whatever is going on getting out of ideas

Try what elbert said about Nvidia drivers. I know nothing about Nvidia drivers, since I've owned AMD graphics cards ever since I've been toying with and building PC's, let alone Macs.

Surprisingly, you're probably at about the limit of your GTX970, especially in BF1 if you've turned up your graphics pretty high. It takes quite a more powerful graphics card (GTX1060, GTX980ti, or better) to sort of max out the graphics settings in BF1 at good framerates (60fps+) at 1080p. A GTX1070 is more suited to that job, when paired with a 6600k or better. Ultra in BF1 at good framerates at 1080p is just not possible with the GTX970.

You're also at the limit of your CPU. If you don't want to be a huge nerd and spend a couple days in and out of the bios getting a stable overclock dialed in, I suggest you go buy some new parts. If you don't want to put the work in, the next best thing is to throw money at the problem. Really. You can't really get much better a CPU for your current motherboard, so that means buying a brand new CPU, RAM, motherboard. At that point, may as well just build an entirely new computer, and sell the old one.

What you're experiencing is a CPU bottleneck. Smoke, explosions, particle effects, shadows, fog volme, fire, trees, grass, etc. are typically exclusive processes to the CPU. When there's lots of it, your CPU gets hit so hard, it gets backed up, and everything slows down. The same applies to large numbers of AI-driven NPC's in games like Hitman and Fallout 4. Mafia 3 in generalreally needs a beastly CPU. In multiplayer BF1, like every other MMO and online game of its kind, the CPU processes all the information coming in from the server, as fast as it possibly can, including information like other players position, bullet and projectile trajectory, hit detection, other players destroying the environment, the behemoth, vehicles, explosions affect radius, etc.

What you choose to do, is up to you. All we can do is make suggestions.

New CPU it will be i don't mind playing at less than ultra i just don't want dips i live in canada the 1000 serie is still kinda expensive ill wait an other year for the GPU.

Thx everybody