Low frequency Coil Whine

Usman Sajid

Jul 27, 2013
I have a Delta Electronics GPS-450aa
GTX 750 ti Oced ,
Core i5 2400
250gb hdd
and 2 ram sticks

I hear very low frequency coil whine when i keep my ear right next to psu when idle , when under load fan is load for me to notice coil whine ,

It is very minimal , and is it safe to run psu on my system , it is few years old , mostly not used but after i got graphic card i use it daily for last 1 week.
Is it a good power supply?
Ok I don't think its coil whine because its minimal sound like a sound of current passing. It's even when computer is of and psu is connected. After playing bf3 ultra mp 1 hour it didn't got loud or anything. Is it normal.