Low GPU and CPU usuage


Aug 6, 2014
When I play csgo it used to be something like CPU:90%, GPU:80%, but right now I have
CPU: between 20% to 50% average probably would be roughly 35% (I get 20% on idle)
GPU: less than 25% (0% on idle)

Fps sometimes seems to be the same, sometimes seems to be lower and sometimes it drops to 30.

Temperatures are normal, but my CPU was overheating few days ago and this is pretty much when it started, so I'm pretty sure issue is CPU.
Did it overheat for to long? It took me few days to actually try checking temps.
It could be that you have short circuited the cpu. Try uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it. This happened to me when I was playing tera on my laptop.

I just played a full game of league and temp did not change at all, (idle temp). also I noticed that my cpu frequency is 1517 when it could go up to 3800

It happens to all games so I doubt it


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