Low GPU / CPU usage and low FPS on various games

Do You Even Lift

Sep 5, 2012
Hi there!

First off i'll post my specs:

Nvidia GTX 970 (MSi)
Intel i5-3570k - 3.4 GHz (Standard clock)
650W Corsair PSU
Asrock H61 PRO BTC motherboard

All drivers up to date.

As for my actual problem here are a couple screenshots of my CPU and GPU usage over the course of a minute of 'straining' gameplay.


Throughout all of this I was running around Diamond City with spiking FPS of 13 to the high 40s but my CPU and GPU would rarely, if ever, go above 50% usage.

I noticed in game everytime my usage would spike to 50% I would get 50fps, which was completely playable, but I know if I could just keep my GPU/CPU at 70% or higher I wouldn't have to worry about dipping below 60. At the minute though that isn't a possibility and I can't find any solution, which is bugging the hell out of me.

Windows and Nvidia power options are both on performance, the games settings are all on ultra with highest AA allowed yet they refuse to budge higher than 50%...

So my question I guess would be is there a way I can force it to use more? I've seen that the solution for some is to overclock but i've never done that before and I don't have any cooling system other than the fans that came with the hardware and case.

Thank you in advance for any help!