My max watt 164. How can I fix this other users have 1925 mhz and 220 watt.I'm having a low power usage issue in games.Gpu powers always %59 .Even in a stress test
Ther users have 220 watts of power draw.My card max using150 watts.I haven't cleaned for a long time.My gpu GİGABYTE RTX 3070 GAMİNG OC CPU:Ryzen 5 5600x
This is my log when I playing RDR2
Ther users have 220 watts of power draw.My card max using150 watts.I haven't cleaned for a long time.My gpu GİGABYTE RTX 3070 GAMİNG OC CPU:Ryzen 5 5600x
This is my log when I playing RDR2