low of fps in csgo 99% cause of cpu. should i overclok cpu?


Nov 24, 2016
Hello I have Elitebook 2570p HP Laptop with "i7 3520m", i added ram so its 8ram, added 120gb ssd, and the main upgrade is External GPU. I added AMD 6950 2GB to my laptop (using special adapter, power supply, and many troubles with softwares and <removed>, but finally works great)
so when im in csgo on low settings i have 130-160 fps. and i want more cause i want to buy 144hz monitor. i relize that the cpu is the problem, cause my gpu is actually chilling while csgo runing, and waiting for the cpu to do the real proccess.. (btw when im playing csgo with no players, i have 300fps) so anyways, what do u guys think, should i overclock my cpu? would it help? is it dangerous, or is it even possible cause its still a Laptop..

Thanks a lot.
Newer doesn't mean better, the 960 was a budget card while the 770 was a very good designed top card back in it's time, don't think the higher the number the better, a 1050 Ti is equal to a 760 basically and a 960 under preforms compared to the 770. Like I said look at this graph and you will get a decent idea of how they work: http://international.download.nvidia.com/webassets/en_US/shared/images/products/shared/lineup.png you can see as the 770 is a decent bit higher than a 960.


Don't overclock on a laptop, Laptops have very limited cooling for CPU's which is why they go with lower TDP CPU's Your CPU is more than likely not even able to be overclocked without messing around with the BIOS version, it COULD be possible but not worth it in anyway. I don't think your CPU should be causing the low fps tbh, That CPU is actually pretty good with a boost turbo clock of 3.6ghz and being a quad core with hyperthreading that thing will handle CSGO like a boss. Honestly it could be your GPU. I'd update drivers if you haven't or get a better GPU, that GPU is from 2010 so 7 years old.... I know CSGO isn't the most demanding game but I would not doubt it if you got like a 1050 Ti or something it would run a <removed> ton better.


Nov 24, 2016

I would really love to agree with u, but i think u r wrong (i rly hope u r right though...), i asked in Techinferno about my fps problem, cause i heard that Nvidia cards works better as an external GPU, so i asked if should i upgrade my gpu, but unfortunately he said that:

and another guy commented this:

BUT when i asked in this forum a month ago, about how strong is my cpu, would it make bottleneck?
i suprisely got this answer

So please help me im really confused. i really want to belive that my cpu is pretty strong and can handle csgo like a boss, and only my gpu is the problem. but then should i buy nvidia gpu or amd gpu? cause theres say that nvidia cards works better as an external gpu, but i want to buy a 144hz monitor with freesync, and freesync is only for amd right...? i have no idea what to do..

edit: i just found out using MSI Afterburner that my cpu and gpu are doing the same usage in CSGO.. the cpu is on 75-80% usage and gpu is 65-70% usage.. so i dont think my cpu bottle neck my gpu


I can 100% assure you that your CPU is not bottlenecking anything, an i7 at 3.6ghz+ is a very powerful CPU and won't even bottleneck a Titan X, So I say again, Your GPU is the problem. Either it is working or your game is going off of CPU's graphics, Which I doubt that becaause 100+ fps on integrated graphics is kinda high for CSGO. Anyhow Yes Freesync is AMD only, But why do you need a freesync monitor? I bought this monitor http://a.co/fpvLeQv And it works amazing, I never use anything to cap my FPS and I never get screen tearing.


Nov 24, 2016

hey so first i checked about the freesync and its only for pc that get below the 144fps so doesnt really matter to me..
unfortunatley im pretty sure the cpu causing the problem.. someone told me on Techinferno that i can check it by putting high and low setting on csgo and check fps diffrence.. so i put the highest setting, and then lowest settings, even restart the game, but it was same fps at both, so i think the cpu is the problem some how :( :(..
and the gpu is in use in csgo for sure, cause without him i have 80 fps and lags in smoke..

what do u say then?



I honestly really doubt it's the CPU unless somehow its faulty which I greatly doubt.

I really don't see an i7 even a mobile version, I just don't see it bottlenecking a AMD 6950 2GB there is just no way unless it's actually got damage to it somehow.


Nov 24, 2016

god damn i hope so much u r right cause i cant replace cpu cause its too expensive.
can u suggest me something to do? i tried to play with the graphics settings, fps improvemnt guides, but couldnt get more fps.. :(


Well how is the 6950 2gb hooked up? Is it an external GPU case? like this https://youtu.be/SeGWwziCrpw You can see in the video the 1080 is barely better than the 1060 in the laptop. There are certain factors that come in with external GPU's that just don't work well. I would more than likely say its the GPU It's an out dated GPU and that CPU is really a very good CPU, If task manager shows it at its 3.6ghz while you game it is 100% not the CPU.


Nov 24, 2016

Hey kavin first i want to thank you for helping me a lot, im so happy i have someone to speak with him about this, i really appriciate it thanks man.
okay so i saw the video and yes, my gpu conntec through "EXP GDC V8.0", and a Seasonic 430W, its the same as the one that shown on video, but a lot more cheaper. the only thing is diffrnece that my gpu is connected throu my expresscard, cause i dont have thunderblot, and i didnt want the gpu to be connected to the motherboard cause then it will not be a laptop... im not sure about the diffrence between expresscard Gen2 and Thunderbolt 3...
anyway i heard that it will not be 100 performance from the gpu cause its a x16 slot going through only a slot (expresscard) and i expected for little bit less performance. but, if this is the situation, then why there's no fps diffrence between lowest settings, and highest settings in csgo..? o.o
well i found someone that want to bought my 6950 in a good price, so ill buy some gtx 770 i think..


I honestly, don't see it being anything other than the GPU, as in the video shown it being external basically bottlenecks the GPU, Go run CSGO one more time, I want to know what % usage the CPU is sitting at while playing and % usage of the GPU and how many frames you are getting on low settings and high settings. If the CPU usage is decently high up there and sits at its rated speed of 3.6ghz or so then it is confirmed not a CPU issue.

Also any reason you are thinking of a 770 instead of like a 1060? http://international.download.nvidia.com/webassets/en_US/shared/images/products/shared/lineup.png as you can see in this graph a 770 is still a pretty good card, even though it may not be super accurate. I still think a 1060 even 3gb version will be way better.


Nov 24, 2016

umm its too late for the testing thing cause i already sent my girlfriend back to her hometown with my 6950 to sell it to a guy that lives there.. so im not with my laptops with no gpu, btw i have 50-70 fps with the intel graphics card (on pretty damn low settings but thats how i like to play..).
but i already wrote here that the cpu was on 75-80% usage and gpu was 65-70% usage.. with highest settings i didnt check the usage of gpu and cpu but i had the same fps as i was at the lowest settings.. pretty weird
the reason im looking for gtx770 instead of 1060 is because i can get 770 gtx in 100$ from someone that sells it in my country, and 1060gtx will cost me minimum 250$ for the cheapest version..
do u suggest diffrent card maybe?


Nov 24, 2016

i found gtx 960 2gb, and gtx 960 with 4gb. both in a good price but the 4gb is a little bit expernsive... should i go for him?


Nov 24, 2016

huh :O? how come a graphics card 1 year before is better then the new one? shouldnt i go for the 960 cause its just "more new"


Newer doesn't mean better, the 960 was a budget card while the 770 was a very good designed top card back in it's time, don't think the higher the number the better, a 1050 Ti is equal to a 760 basically and a 960 under preforms compared to the 770. Like I said look at this graph and you will get a decent idea of how they work: http://international.download.nvidia.com/webassets/en_US/shared/images/products/shared/lineup.png you can see as the 770 is a decent bit higher than a 960.


Nov 24, 2016

couldnt get the 770, but i got 960 in very good price.. any way, fps hasnt changed. same <removed>fps like the 6950..