Low on memory when not (10.1 GB out of 16 total)

Apr 29, 2013
I keep getting a low memory error from Windows when I reach around 10.1 gb usage (out of 16 gb total). I don't understand why this keeps happening though. When it exceeds this much memory, programs start crashing.

I am running Windows 10 pro. I have 16 gb DDR3 (2x 8gb, CMY16GX3M2A2133C11) and my swap is set to 200 - 3072. Any help with this very persistent and frustrating error would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Before that I might consider re-installing Windows. If you don't have the install media use the reset option in Settings > Update and Recovery. There's an option to retain your files if you wish.
Do you have a separate GPU or do you use onboard graphics? IF the latter, how much shared memory is the graphics set to use? Also, what kind of programs do you tend to run?

The "process explorer" tool is like the Windows task manager on steroids and might offer more insight: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/processexplorer.aspx

Just extract the folder and run the appropriate version (it's a portable program that doesn't need installation)
I have a GTX 980 and I am using that. Also, while I was playing a game earlier (ArmA 3), it randomly closed with an error saying I have 10 mb left in my page file. When it said that, I was still around 10 gigs of system ram.

As far as process explorer goes, what am I supposed to do with this? I already have it and use it regularly (I replaced my task manager with it). I already know what programs are using the most memory, but knowing that doesn't tell me why my computer is seemingly ignoring the last ~6 gigs of system ram it has left, nor why my system is using page file of system ram.

I will look in to that this weekend, thanks.