Low Performance on DiRT 3 7970 GHz


Jun 25, 2013
From benchmarks I have read, I am getting pretty low performance. I'm not extremely concerned because i'm still getting around 50fps average without any dips on ultra, 1920x1080. Im using a 144hz monitor so getting the higher frame rates does make a difference.

Specs http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1tFke

According to this bench, I should be getting more than double the FPS im getting. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon-hd-7970-ghz-edition-review-benchmark,3232-11.html

I'm getting similar performance to this benchmark however they are running on an eyefinity set up. http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/06/22/amd-radeon-7970-3gb-ghz-edition-review/5

I do not have Vsync enabled, using 14.4 Beta Drivers. Temps are all normal (65c or less).

Also worth mentioning I get around the same or better performance on BF3 from both benchmarks.

I tried the 13.12 and 14.4 non beta drivers, neither of which made any change beyond 2 FPS

Info from HWinfo Averages while playing.

GPU Clock 1050MHz
GPU Memory Clock 1500MHz
GPU Utilization 98.5%

GPU Core
GPU VRM Voltage Out 1.200v
GPU VRM Voltage In 12.148v
Current in 10.019 A
Current out 87.347 A
Power Out 104.967 W
Power In 121.862 W

GPU VRM Voltage Out 1.501v
GPU VRM Voltage In 12.013v
Current In 2.230 A
Current Out 16.720 A
Power Out 25.125 W
Power In 27.097 W

Max Temperature was 67c


I couldn't find anything related to this, however i stumbled across the issue myself. I noticed that switching from 4x MSAA to 2xMSAA pushed me from 70 fps to 150+. So i decided to check CCC to make sure there wasnt anything funny going on there and I guess I had Anti-Aliasing Filter mode set to edge detect, switched to standard, threw all settings to max on dirt and got 112 avg fps.