Low performance with 1080ti on 1080p resolution

Jan 18, 2019
Hello I have a question, I recently bought an gtx 1080ti to get a higher performance then my previous gpu(1060 6gb). Now if i try to play games like Bf1 I get like only 40 to 60 fps and i don't know why. I think there is a bottleneck in my system, could one of you help me out?

my speclist:
cpu: i5 6400
gpu: gtx 1080ti
ram: 16gb DDR4 2133MHz dual channel
psu: 600watt
I use an 1080p 144Hz 1ms monitor so its should run at about 150 fps or even higher, please help me out


Add: I already reinstalled the specific drivers and i even used DDU and reinstalled it again.
I'd leave the RAM, from what I've seen difference between 2133 and 3000Mhz RAM only makes a few percent difference in most games. It'll be your CPU that's holding you back. Assuming you don't want to change your mobo I would get an i7-6700k if your mobo will take it.

What kinda cpu would you recommend and should i upgrade or overclock my ram?
I'd leave the RAM, from what I've seen difference between 2133 and 3000Mhz RAM only makes a few percent difference in most games. It'll be your CPU that's holding you back. Assuming you don't want to change your mobo I would get an i7-6700k if your mobo will take it.

My motherboard is a MSI H110M-pro orsomething like that.
But I think if a 7600k fixes the problem I'll rather take that because I'm already out of my budget with the 1080ti


Is there a big price differnce between the k and the none k versions and is it really worth the extra amount of money to be able to overclock?

And what kind of fps increase do I get, is it in the 5 to 10 range or will I get improvement of 70 to 80 fps?