Low Preformance FPS


Feb 8, 2016
So i recently completed my budget pc build, il give a list of items below

Mobo :asus A88XM-A
Graphics card: gigabye nivida geforce gtx 750ti
CPU:AMD A series Black Edition @3.9ghz
PSU:CX430 From corsair

the rest doesnt really matter, but my issue is that when im playing in game im getting extremely low FPS for what my graphics card should be pumping out, i get 20fps on fallout 4 on high settings when on my old, worse system i would get 70+, i was wondering if the issue would be my PSU since its a low end only 430watts where my card requires 400watts. and my card does need the 6 pin connector inserted for it to even work.
Hello, did you just plugin the graphics card and the 6 pin as well? There are different 750 Ti versions. Honestly, you may be using the integrated GPU and not your dedicated GPU. Your power supply should not cause any issues, but both high end and low end PSU's can both show signs of defect but you shouldn't worry about your PSU. You could run a stress test on your GPU or CPU both and see if your system remains stable, but it likely will pass. Your graphics card requires less than 100W, you're probably looking at NVIDIA website, which is only there overexatterated due to all the bad power supplies out there, it keeps NVIDIA out of trouble.
im using the 750Ti, iv ran tests and it all seems good. even on simple games like csgo where i should be getting 200+fps im getting 40-50 on completely low settings. i just didnt know if my psu was putting enough power into my gpu for it to be at its full potental because its preformance has sucked ever since i built this pc, ( around 1 week ago ), i had the GPU in my old pc and took it out for this build