Low Spec PC games

Varun Choudhry

Jun 25, 2015
I have a laptop which has Intel HD 4000 and i3 3217U 1.8 GHz Quad core processor.
I am trying to find games which will run on it comfortably and is co-op (4 Player preferred) and hooks us for a long time so please give some suggestions.
P.S - Can I run Far Cry 3 co-op?

If the game is installed from a DVD drive, then you will need to attach the DVD drive with the game disk in order to play the game. It is part of the DRM to prevent people from simply installing the game from a disk and then giving that disk to someone else.

If you do not want to bother with carrying the DVD drive and the game disk with you wherever you go, then you need to purchase the digitally distributed version of the game from Steam, Origin or wherever.

Fallout 3 (not Fallout 4!!!) should be playable. I have tested the game on my old laptop with the Intel HD 3000 (I disabled the nVidia GT 550m for the test) which is less powerful than the Intel HD 4000 at 1366x768 resolution. I used a saved game file where I was probably around...

I'm quite confident you won't be able to, Far Cry 3 is a demanding game. I know because it's the only game in my steam library that makes my GPU fans spin loud enough to hear them!

It will run, low settings and not the very best performance - but it will run. Expect 30 fps in 720p.

I know I can run Far Cry 3 but can I run it with 4 player Co-op and also I don't have a disk drive and want a physical copy so if I copy the files from the disk to a pendrive then use it in my laptop then will I be able to play online?
And what other games like it can I play?

Yes you can play cooperative gameplay, but you can´t expect higher than 720p if you want relatively lagfree play.

as for disk drive. I am guessing you mean CD/DVD Drive. I am pretty sure, once installed, you don´t need a CD or DVD or USB-Stick to play.

As for other games in similar category, there´s Crysis 3, which similarly also will run on lowest settings and has CoD-style shooter co-op play. CoD obviously is another game with Co-op play and will run on Intel HD4000 (also low settings).
Anything from the 'Worms' series.

You could just go to the steam store, click the 'local co-op' tag and look through the list of indie games as it will give you system specs and a whole list of available games.
If the game is installed from a DVD drive, then you will need to attach the DVD drive with the game disk in order to play the game. It is part of the DRM to prevent people from simply installing the game from a disk and then giving that disk to someone else.

If you do not want to bother with carrying the DVD drive and the game disk with you wherever you go, then you need to purchase the digitally distributed version of the game from Steam, Origin or wherever.

Fallout 3 (not Fallout 4!!!) should be playable. I have tested the game on my old laptop with the Intel HD 3000 (I disabled the nVidia GT 550m for the test) which is less powerful than the Intel HD 4000 at 1366x768 resolution. I used a saved game file where I was probably around 30 hours into the game. You will need to edit the FalloutPref.ini file to disable all shadows. I would say that performance will likely be about 30 FPS with the edited FalloutPref.ini file and low settings. I no longer have the game installed so I can't verify the performance when using the Intel HD 3000 instead of the GT 550m.

You will also need to download the following d3d9.dll file in order for the game to launch because Fallout 3 will not recognize Intel integrated graphics. The file was originally created for The Elder Scrolls (TES): Oblivion. That was the 1st game to drop support for DirectX 8 so Oblivion could only be officially played with DirectX 9 graphic cards. It was part of the "Oldblivion Project". Obviously, this means you should be able to play Oblivion since it came out before Fallout 3.


If you want to play Fallout 3, then I recommend you download it from Steam, the base game is $10, or $20 if you buy the GOTY version with all the DLCs. I would wait for Christmas sales to see if the game will be discounted again. Fallout 3 GOTY was on sale last week for $7.
