Mar 4, 2019
Hello i read some threads and stuff and could not find an answer so i am opening mine i have an rtx 2080 gigabyte a ryzen 7 2700 and g skill rip jaws 3200 on 2666mhz . My pc is working properly no blackscreens no crashes its good but my gpu does not use the 100% in games lets say in gta v i am having not so high fps and some drops cause its use the 40-50% of the gpu in games like lol and cs the same i do not have smth more heavy to see if it does the same i am talking about 1080P gaming . and general from some tests i done my fps is lower than it should be much lower but everything is working properly
CPU: ryzen 7 2700 motherboard: asus prime x470 pro ram g skill rip jaws 3200 but clocked at 2666 ssd:970 evo nvme ssd 500gb hdd western digital black 1tb gpu rtx 2080 gigabyte oc psu rmx 750 corsair chassis obsidian1000d os windows 10 and my drivers in gpu are uptodated and i had this problem for almost 3 months so i do not think drivers matter
i am quite new with the pc's and stuff so could u please suggest me a programm to lookt at it the 2 games that i saw benchmarks is csgo which i have 300 but with a lot of lag spikes dropping at 230 in 1080P and the benchmarks was at 1440p at 400 and in league of legends some benchmarks had 500+ fps in 1080p and i have barely 169