E elkabeergamer Jan 31, 2019 1 0 10 Jan 31, 2019 #1 How would the visual quality be affected if I use 1600x900 resolution on a 1080p monitor?
Solution Barty1884 Jan 31, 2019 Both are 16:9 aspect ratios, so you should really only be dealing with the fact it's a lower resolution & nothing else. Try it out, that's the best way for you to get a 'feel' for how it differs.
Both are 16:9 aspect ratios, so you should really only be dealing with the fact it's a lower resolution & nothing else. Try it out, that's the best way for you to get a 'feel' for how it differs.
Barty1884 Retired Moderator Apr 16, 2015 22,254 1,354 108,740 Jan 31, 2019 Solution #2 Both are 16:9 aspect ratios, so you should really only be dealing with the fact it's a lower resolution & nothing else. Try it out, that's the best way for you to get a 'feel' for how it differs. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Both are 16:9 aspect ratios, so you should really only be dealing with the fact it's a lower resolution & nothing else. Try it out, that's the best way for you to get a 'feel' for how it differs.