lower speed internet


May 17, 2016
we had to get rid of the triple bundle of packages from time warner. because they kept screwing us and we couldnt afford it anymore. so now we have at&t/directv. we get the tv channels from directv. and phone and internet from at&t. and theyre both combined into 1 company now.

i just wondered if switching to a satelite connection for my internet was possible? i want speed and i want to play all my games online.

also, i thought i should try asking about that poweline plus internet service that goes through the house wireing. since all we have around here is att, time warner, and any dialup provider. (yeah just att and time warner for internet). netzero is out here but is only for dialup.

Satellite internet has high ping since the signal has to travel to space and back, so you can rule online games right out with that. I've also heard that it's expensive, slow, and unreliable.

Any chance AT&T offers U-verse in your area? U-verse TV is actually pretty good, and while their internet service isn't as fast...

Satellite internet has high ping since the signal has to travel to space and back, so you can rule online games right out with that. I've also heard that it's expensive, slow, and unreliable.

Any chance AT&T offers U-verse in your area? U-verse TV is actually pretty good, and while their internet service isn't as fast as cable, if you live in the right area they offer speeds as high as 24 or 50 mbps. That's enough to watch a few Netflix streams.

You can also try haggling with TWC. If you tell them you just want internet, they'll start throwing the cheap TV packages at you. Or you can just "cut the cord" and go with an internet only plan, thus saving you some money.

If you are truly desperate though, you could try going with a wireless hotspot from your mobile provider. Not the best option, given the price and low data caps, but it's there.

Uverse is fiber to the node (ie. to the switch that serves your neighborhood) so it's supposed to be a little faster than regular DSL and can do IPTV. I take it UVerse speeds suck in your area?

nnnooooo, they dont suck here. i just am from the older days where once broadband cable high speed came aroudn i HAD TO get it. and the 1st setting version of dsl was (in my mind) back there with the dialup soeeds. lol but i like it now.
and no im never gonna switch to usong a mobile broadband connection. it costs like a million per month for the decent size of cache id need on a cell like i got on my computers

IPTV just means TV delivered over a standard internet IP connection. Uverse's set top boxes connect via Ethernet cable instead of the coaxial cable regular cable boxes use. But when I was last subscribed to uverse (about 2-3 years ago), I still needed a box to access TV content. It seems that now you can at least stream live TV from a browser though. No idea if AT&T offers anything similar with Direct TV.

im still about 1,000% sure that watching tv through the browser is not gonna happen without viruses and spyware galore.

i just looked at my internet modem and my tv little box. im in my bedroom and the tv has directv's little tinierr box with a coaxial cable in it in the back. and in the living room is the directv regular little box they have for users. so can you explain this to me that i have here regarding watching tv on the browser?
Technically, even though att owns both, uverse TV and direct TV are still separate and have their own separate apps etc. Direct TV is still satellite tv, right? Anyway, a quick search for "watch direct TV on computer" brought up this link. As long as you're watching off of the official website, you shouldn't have to worry about viruses.

yeah directv is still satelite tv