[SOLVED] Lowering graphics settings gives me higher fps but not better stable fps??


Jan 23, 2018
Hi there

Recently bought a:
geforce gtz 1050 2gb oc
asus prime b250m-a
8gb ram 2400mhz

I mostly bought this just to play overwatch, and after checking multiple benchmarks i saw this was a pretty decent setup for a decent price.

However running this game at 100% render scale and high/ultra settings gives me around 100-150fps wich is still good, but if i do 75% render scale and all other graphics settings to low/off it does give me a higher fps overall when idle ingame or walking around. The reason i wanted to lower my settings, is that i thought it would give me a higher stable fps when in heavy combat. Like i said at higher settings max fps is lower than with lower settings, but still on low settings and 75% render scale fps will still drop to 100 when in heavy combat.

I did check cpu/gpu usage multiple times and its not really reaching 100% in heavy combat. Only rarely it jumps up to 100 for a second or hover around 70-90%. Temperatures are fine for both aswell.

It would be normal that lowering settings gives me not only higher fps wich it does, but also give me a higher stable fps like instead of higher graphics 100 stable fps in heavy combat to 115-120+ stable fps when in heavy combat.

Ive been reading forums and all that stuff, also trying to tweak windows 10 for the good performance but im just really confused and lost what to do here. I reinstalled windows yesterday just to try it out and downloaded mb/gpu drivers again but its still the same thing. Maybe i messed up something with downloading drivers, wich unlikely would be the case since gpu driver is just follow the steps 1 by 1 and download the correct version ofcourse. Downloading mb drivers was new for me since i never downloaded mb drivers manually before ( kind of an idiot with pc's forgot to mention that ) but it was just unpack drivers and i saw multiple setups i could click and just downloaded it.

It would be weird if something is bottlenecking each other since i can push higher frames when idle or in practise range but not increase my stable fps while in heavy combat.

if its any use to you guys here is the website that i downloaded my drivers.




Also did some heavy tweaks to windows 10 to try and fix the problem, but after reinstalling windows i wanted to see if it even mattered what i did when gaming.

The things that i did now was:

1. Disabling all xbox services in windows services

2. Disable superfetch in windows services

3. basicly turned everything off in windows options that would give me either,

Map updates
windows performance menu and some other stuff

Last thing that ill mention before putting my faith into you're hands xd
The game sometimes doesnt feel smooth in heavy combat even though its still running 90-100+ fps at all times. I do have a 60hz monitor, and i know theres a lot of you that will say but dude you wont notice anything higher than you're refresh rate and it will not change a thing. It does for me there might be a little bit more screen tearing but the game feels a lot smoother than with display based or v-sync < No im not using that since it highly increases my input lag;p

So if you guys have any ways to fix this or have tips i highlyyyyy appriciate it. Sorry for the long post but i wanted to make sure i put in everything that i tried or every problem that has occured.
okey so higher fps puts more load on the cpu, but why is my cpu not 100% when im getting 120+ fps. In heavy combat it only drops and cpu is like 80-90% rarely hits that 100%.

That's to be expected. In some areas you aren't exceeding your VRAM limit and other places you are. The CPU isn't really a help with its dual core probably getting fairly saturated having to deal with 100+ FPS gaming and Windows. RAM looks fine. I'd be watching my resources with MSI AB. I just have the CPU and GPU loads and temps, VRAM and system RAM, core and memory clocks and the FPS set up for MSI AB's OSD. It may offer some insight.

If this is the case why is it that while having 120fps or a little higher when unlocking higher frames cpu is not being 100% only in heavy combat it drops to like 100-105 but cpu not 100%


I actually did this and vram never higher than 1gb and ram never above 70%. cpu load normally around 70-80% and in heavy combat hitting that 90+% but rarely that 100%. GPU load is almost about the same mostly a bit lower than cpu usage. sorry if im asking the obvious. this is all new to new and im trying to get a better understanding about it.

if its the case that cpu is just an issue is it worth following https://redacted.tv/2017/12/20/win10guide/ mostly the services thing wich might free up a little bit of cpu usage
Something else to try- Go into the Nvidia Control Panel (right click on empty spot of the desktop, you'll see it), then go to 'Manage 3D Setting', switch to the 'Program Settings' tab, select Overwatch in the games list, then scroll down the options below that until you see 'Power Management Mode'. Change this to 'Prefer Maximum Performance'. Also, if you're trying V-Sync, scroll down below that until you see 'Vertical Sync', then choose 'Fast'. Any other option will cause frame dips.
Also, with V-Sync 'On' or 'Fast', turn on 'Triple Buffering'. It will give a minor boost in performance.

Thanks for the tip. I did do the max performance, but turning on v-sync increases my input lag a lot and mouse will feel like its 0.5 seconds behind. i never used triple buffering before and have no clue what it does to be fair. One more thing i would like to ask. Is it worth following this guide https://redacted.tv/2017/12/20/win10guide/ to get a little bit better performance. Specially talking about the windows services disabling part.


anything that can shave off some usage is worth it in my opinion. I think I've trimmed most all the fat from my PC including disabling services or setting it them to start manually. Black Viper has a fairly exhaustive list of fat trimming exercises. http://www.blackviper.com/service-configurations/black-vipers-windows-10-service-configurations/

anything that can shave off some usage is worth it in my opinion. I think I've trimmed most all the fat from my PC including disabling services or setting it them to start manually. Black Viper has a fairly exhaustive list of fat trimming exercises. http://www.blackviper.com/service-configurations/black-vipers-windows-10-service-configurations/

Thanks a lot! I actually came across that site once but never found it again. I have one question thought can i disable everything under:
Services that changed from Anniversary Update to Creators Update include:

aswell as:
Services that changed from Creators Update to Fall Creators Update include:

and werent there a lot more services that i was able to disable. I see different ones on one site, different on the other and so on off things to disable. But never know wich might actually screw up you're pc.

That's something I don't know. I don't use those sites. Why do I need them? I can see my services. I can Google. I can decide what to do. It's time consuming but it can also tighten up security as a side-effect. There may some telemetry services that can be disabled. Nvidia? Looking up my skirt? Yep, it's there.

That's something I don't know. I don't use those sites. Why do I need them? I can see my services. I can Google. I can decide what to do. It's time consuming but it can also tighten up security as a side-effect. There may some telemetry services that can be disabled. Nvidia? Looking up my skirt? Yep, it's there.