Lowering Price While Keeping Performance


Jun 15, 2016
Is there a way I can lower the price of this build while having the same performance? Build:


My goal is to run games like Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Planetside 2 at High/Ultra settings getting 60 fps (or more) If I should downgrade please tell me
Personally if you're just gaming 16gb of ram is a lot but the price is really good you could lower to 8gb to remove $10 I don't think it will impact your gameplay at all if it does I think it will be a small amount. Honestly it seems like a pretty good build you can run those 2 games perfectly you can maybe lower your cpu to like i5 6500 bc it doesn't have a big impact on gaming
Personally if you're just gaming 16gb of ram is a lot but the price is really good you could lower to 8gb to remove $10 I don't think it will impact your gameplay at all if it does I think it will be a small amount. Honestly it seems like a pretty good build you can run those 2 games perfectly you can maybe lower your cpu to like i5 6500 bc it doesn't have a big impact on gaming

Thanks for the reply, I don't think I will go with 8gb but downgrading the cpu might be a good idea, thanks for the reply.