Lucid Virtu MVP?


Jun 25, 2013
I was looking through the MSI Live Update and I saw that I could install something called Lucid Virtu MVP, however I don't know what that is for and if it's really that necessary. Is this something convenient to have? I have a GTX 770 and mostly do gaming and graphig design on my computer.

Thanks in advance!
Don't fall for the marketing tricks. It's made to improve response times, not fps. But the way it works also induces stutters, as shown in the behardware link. Vsync never has artifacts, don't know why that was even said. The igpu doesn't really help, it just tells what to render or not, also explained in the behardware link. It's bugged in a lot of games and many graphics don't get rendered or causes a lot of crashing. It artificially raises fps by not rendering them but still counting them on the fps counter. The list of compatible quicksync software is a short list and you can just use another monitor, as most video editors should have, instead of virtu.
Check these links :

If you play games then it might be a boost to fps or if you encode videos. It uses your otherwise inactive gpu integrated in your cpu (works for any recent intel and amd) to "help" your discrete card (gtx 770 for you).
You'll need to change some settings in bios to activate your cpu graphics first and it should work fine.
The impact on performance varies with configurations, but the v-sync without artifacts is always nice.
It's free so just try it, and if you don't notice any improvements, uninstall. Get he latest one from lucid's site if you decide to try tho.
Don't fall for the marketing tricks. It's made to improve response times, not fps. But the way it works also induces stutters, as shown in the behardware link. Vsync never has artifacts, don't know why that was even said. The igpu doesn't really help, it just tells what to render or not, also explained in the behardware link. It's bugged in a lot of games and many graphics don't get rendered or causes a lot of crashing. It artificially raises fps by not rendering them but still counting them on the fps counter. The list of compatible quicksync software is a short list and you can just use another monitor, as most video editors should have, instead of virtu.