h97-d3h-cf is not a standard aftermarket model. It is a bulk OEM board model supplied to prebuilt system vendors, and is very low end to begin with. BIOS support for the regular h97-d3h generally will not work on these boards and you must go through the original whole system OEM in order to find any updated BIOS support for them. Without an updated BIOS release that is newer than the original release there is very little chance of seeing this board willing to boot properly from an M.2 drive. It's possible, but unlikely.
Also, on these boards, when using the M.2 drive it automatically knocks out some of the SATA ports so if you are not seeing your HDD after connecting the M.2 drive try connecting it to one or more of the other SATA headers.
(M.2, SATA Express, and SATA3 4/5 connectors can only be used one at a time. The SATA3 4/5 connectors will become unavailable when an M.2 SSD is installed.)
Since the P3 drives are MUCH newer than any of the BIOS versions likely available for that board, you will still likely be very hit or miss regarding whether the storage controller on that drive will be supported by ANY BIOS version that is available for that motherboard, IF there is even a newer version out there, which quite often there is not on these OEM derivative boards of normal aftermarket models.
If you know the actual model of the system that this board came in originally, that would certainly be helpful.