M.2 purchase question


Apr 13, 2013
Yes, the 950 Pro is a great drive.

You won't get the full speed of the 950 Pro drive on that board, or any Z97 board because of the limitations of the Z97 chipset. It will still be faster than any SATA SSD though.
On that board the 950 Pro will only run at about half the speed so its not worth the money. Get an 850 EVO or PRO for your OS and put the extra money into a top of the line GPU or 500gb SSD of your choice. The 950 Pro needs a PCI-E x4 and if i'm right your board has PCI-E x2. Best to stick with sata.
Leaps-from-shadows is absolutely correct. Basically, if you can afford it you can grab the 950 pro and it will be faster than a sata ssd. Will you feel much difference though?. No. So to save a couple bucks just grab an 850 Evo (not pro). Now, if you want to you could grab the m.2 sata 850 Evo instead of the 2.5"