M-ATX case suggestions


May 7, 2014
Im building a M-ATX gaming pc and i dont know which M-ATX to get since there are many nice ones. Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance :)
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Case: Corsair 350D MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $59.99
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-08 22:34 EDT-0400)



Technical specifications

Brushed Aluminum Front Panel
SLI / Cross Fire ready
Five Expansion Slots
Two 2.5”, two 3.5”, and two 5.25” tool free drive bays.
Modular 2.5” SSD cage
Front 140mm and rear 120mm cooling fans. Room for up to five fans total.

Direct Airflow Path...
It all depends on the features you need:
-- Intel or AMD CPU?
-- PCI slot yes/no?
-- Total expansion slots (PCI/PCI-e)?
-- 2 or 4 RAM slots?
-- 16, 32 or 64 GB maximum RAM?
-- Desired RAM speed?
-- Number of SATA ports, & type (I, II or III)?
-- IDE support yes/no?
-- USB 3.0 yes/no, & #?
-- Extra USB 2.0/3.0 internal headers?
-- Onboard graphics yes/no?

Intel CPU
PCI slots yes
Expansion slots (a few should be ok)
4 RAM slots
32 gb max ram should be ok

2x4gb Ram
yes USB 3.0
don't think so, usb internal header
onboard graphics, no (im using a msi gtx770)

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Case: Corsair 350D MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $59.99
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-08 22:34 EDT-0400)



Technical specifications

Brushed Aluminum Front Panel
SLI / Cross Fire ready
Five Expansion Slots
Two 2.5”, two 3.5”, and two 5.25” tool free drive bays.
Modular 2.5” SSD cage
Front 140mm and rear 120mm cooling fans. Room for up to five fans total.

Direct Airflow Path from front cooling fan to GPUs.
Maximum ATX PSU length 180mm
Maximum GPU length 380mm
Maximum CPU Cooler Height 160mm
Room for two 240mm radiators (top, front)
Dual USB 3.0 ports


On the corsair website, its USD$99??