M2N68-LA (Narra3) bios update and cpu support?

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May 8, 2013
I'm looking for bios updates for this board. Also, I'd like to know what the fastest cpu this board will support. I read it's supposed to be a phenom 9600 i think, but i just wanted to ask to be sure. I'd like for it to be a quad core at 3.0ghz or more. I don't believe this board supports overclocking so preferably it should be be a locked cpu.

It's an old HP machine. HP listed possible cpu upgrades. that's where i read you could upgrade to a phenom. but no bios updates were listed on hp's site.. Asus made the board and had no information on it's site about it.
The thread is a bit old. But to sandbox242 and all others I can confirm that the Narra3 does support atleast the quad core Phenom II x4 945. Heard rumors about others(955 etc), but this 945 atleast runs good in my machine and others, and are up at the best you can get in the board. My board is running bios 5.17, but iv heard also 5.13 works. Bios wil not identify the CPU other than "unknown" but windows wil be able to use it fully and identify it correct.
IMPORTANT that you get the 95W version of any CPU, NOT the 125W versions... Mine is the HDX945WFK4DGI
As to my knowledge the Narra3 can not be unlocked in bios, so no new features or options like overclocking is possible.

Compared to the 9600 the 945 is alot better: http://cpuboss.com/cpus/AMD-Phenom-X4-9600-vs-AMD-Phenom-II-X4-945-95W

CPU mark rating:
Phenom X4 9600: 2321
Phenom II x4 945: 3729

i ended up getting the phenom ii x4 840
The 840 Is a strange cpu I dont know :) Its both fast as 3200Mhz but then has a lower score then the other cpus, way lower then 850, 945 etc. Im guessing its due to the the lack of L3 cache and thats why people call it a "non phenom II"?
But iv seen that there are some people that have managed to unlock the cpu and enable the hidden L3 cache on the 840 in bios, and by doing that you do get a great cpu. :)

I know this post is rather old but i've been searching everywhere for Bios v5.17 for this motherboard. Do you have a link to where I can download it? Or could you upload it somewhere and provide the link?
This might help someone in the future, sorry for rewakening an "old" thread.
Remember that the 5.13/14 and 5.17 bios wil not identify the newest CPUS in bios. So if you are on an older bios and the CPU states "unknown cpu" but works in windows, then the 5.17 wil not fix this! Also there is no bios out there to "unlock" the narra3 HP bios to advanced settings.
Bios 5.17 Slic:
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