M2N78-LA bad SATA, anyway to replace with indentical model of MB and use orginal OS???


Oct 5, 2014
I have a HP Pavilion P6228P with a MB M2N78-LA. It has developed a bad SATA controller. I at first wanted to install an PCI-E card to replace the bad controller on the MB, But after doing extensive research I think I have came to the conclusion that I would not be able to Boot from it.

My next step was to replace the MB with a similar board, not the same model but one that would use the same chip set and Memory. However, I think I learned that I could not use My original Win 7 OS disk that I originally made off when the computer was new, on the new Different MB.

If I was to be able to find another exact MB as my old one M2N78-LA, could I use the original Win 7 disk? If so, do you know where I can buy the M2N78-LA board?

I'm open for any other suggestion to get this computer up and running...

I really, really, really do not want to have to buy a new computer, not because of the $$$ but because I HATE Windows 8.


This is not the answer I was looking for, But I afraid you are correct.

Thanks for taking the time to reply...
OK, if I go ahead and replace the MB (any brand) and buy an new box version of Win 7.

Can someone tell me another MB (exact model #, please) that I should buy that will accept my existing Chips and Memory from my old computer HP Pavilion P6228P-B with a bad MB M2N78-LA.

Also after I install the new MB it will be using my old Hard Drive that still has the original win 7 OS installed. Will I be able to install the new Box version of Win 7 over top of the original Win 7 and same my data on the HD?
