M5A78L-M LX Memory support

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May 7, 2013
This is a question about memory, but it has more to do with the specs of the motherboard than the memory itself. First off every where I look about this motherboard says it only supports up to 8GB of RAM, yet on the website it says 16GB. Then on the Quality Vendors List (QVL) it shows support for 32GB(8GBx4) and 16GB(4GBx4)(8GBx2). It's giving me anxiety trying to figure out which is which, and which RAM will work with my motherboard since the current RAM I used for my old MSI isn't compatible.

Here's the QVL : http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/socketAM3/M4A78LT-M_LE/AMD-DDR3-Memory-QVL.pdf

The specs page: http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M5A78LM_LX/#specifications

Anybody with this same MOBO that can tell me what RAM they have in theirs and how much they were able to put into it? Thanks.
Hi, The board has only 2 RAM slots and it would support maximum 16GB, as in the specs.
You can choose from the QVL the 2x8GB options (if any).
Or, use the configurators from memory manufacturers:
What RAMs have you tried and don't work?


Thanks for the quick reply. I was checking out the G.Skill RAM on newegg but I didn't know if I should get 2 4GB sticks or a single 8GB stick. The RAM I have in it now is the RAM I had for my MSI which is Corsair. VS2GB1333D3
I don't really need the 16GB, so now that I think about it I should just go for a single 8GB stick then whenever I need more i can get another stick.
Generally, for dual channel systems it's better to fill both slots. Another issue would be that if you lately buy another module, even if same model, they might not be similar.
I suggest using a kit of 2x4 GB. 8GB are enough for most applications/games.

Valid point. Are the G.Skill guaranteed compatibility? I forgot how hard matching RAM to a build can be. >.<

I just received and installed the RAM. For some reason I can only get the DRAM Frequency to read 800.0 MHz. I read on another topic that I have to set the timings manually. I find out how to do that, but it's a bit overwhelming. Here is a picture I found with the settings I need to change, but there is so many things I don't even know where to start. The timings are 9-9-9-24 and the Cas Latency is 9. How do I set these?


Oh, it's 800MHz a stick? I thought it was supposed to be 1600MHz a stick. When switched to 800MHz in the BIOS CPU-Z reads 880MHz. Is that about right?

They actually run at 1760 now.
It's not 800 a stick. The RAMs are DDR which is Double Data Rate.
CPU-Z reads the actual speed.
Now. regarding 880, can you post also a picture with the SPD tab in CPU-Z?
SPD stands for Serial Presence Detect and lists the memory default values as set by the manufacturer.
Have you modified some settings regarding the RAMs in BIOS? If yes, try leaving them as they were (default), and check again the values in CPU-Z.
The channel lists "Single" but it should be Dual. Have you installed single RAM module?

The only thing I did was switch the RAM thing to manual. That might be where I did something wrong.

If you want your RAMs running at the XMP values, then with RAM to manual, set
Frequency to 1600,
CAS Latency to 9
RAS to CAS Delay to 9
RAS Pre Time to 9
RAS ACT Time to 25
Row Cycle Time leave it to 33
Copmmand Rate to 2T.
These are the manufacturer values for RAMs at 1600 (Check the SPD - XMP column).
And by the way, have you inserted both RAM modules, or you've bought single 8GB RAM module?

I bought the 2x4GB sticks. They came together in a package.

This is what my configuration says.

The highest I can change the frequency is 800MHz

CPU-Z still says the same thing

Now even my GPU is acting funny. The core and memory clock are really low.
For the graphics card, I have a 5870 and the core and memory clock are the same.
Have you tried setting the values in BIOS for memory?
What you can try also is clearing the CMOS (unplug the power cord and remove the CMOS battery for few minutes. This would revert the BIOS to default.

When I tried to edit the values in DRAM timing configuration it still said the same thing. After some thorough searches around google I tried some of the things you mentioned. I read that someone with my same motherboard could only run the same RAM modules at 1333MHz. I adjusted the frequency to 667MHz in my BIOS and now it reads dual channel. Someone else suggested to up the voltage by 1. If I can't get these to 1600MHz I might just have to return them for 1333MHz versions.
After hours upon hours of searching, testing and reading I've finally found someone that tested my setup and I have come to two conclusions: 1. I am an Idiot. 2. My CPU does not support 1600MHz memory. After all this I find out it's my Athlon II X2 265 that has been holding me back. I've raised that CPU since it was a baby, running at a measly 3.3GHz. I was so excited when he finally ran at 3.7GHz then crashed horribly. He's matured so much since finally being stable at 3.66GHz. I'd hate to see him go.

Edit: Sorry, I haven't slept much in the past couple of days, and I'm all hopped up on dayquil.

Yeah, me either. I didn't read the part in the specifications that AMD 100 and 200 series CPUs only support up to 1333MHz. It's fine though, I plan on upgrading to an FX 4300 which supports up 1866MHz. Thanks for all your help. You saved me A LOT of time and money.
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