[SOLVED] Mac adress spoofing


Aug 24, 2012
Hi I have this mac adress changer on my windows 11 desktop computer. It's basiclly spoofing or hiding the orginal mac adress. How beneficial is it be doing this on my desktop computer. I already have nord vpn and I use the double vpn feature of there vpn.

Also, in My router settings, I have the option to use the default mac adress use the computers mac adress or create my own. Which should I Use? I'm thinking I should use the computers mac address because it is spoofed. which means that the routers mac address will also be protected.

Thank you!!
This is where know how networking really works helps lot. You spend a lot of time reading stuff that will make no difference. Mac addresses never leave a subnet this is why we need IP addresses. The internet only function on IP addresses. Your ISP might see the mac address of your router but it is only used to talk between the ISP equipment someplace near your house and your router/modem. The only exception to this is when you use IPv6. In many cases part of the IPv6 address has the mac address in it....it is not required to it is just commonly done.

Mac addresses are not actually unique. Manufactures only have so many and they reuse them after a time. Most people never see this but if you are in a large company...
This is where know how networking really works helps lot. You spend a lot of time reading stuff that will make no difference. Mac addresses never leave a subnet this is why we need IP addresses. The internet only function on IP addresses. Your ISP might see the mac address of your router but it is only used to talk between the ISP equipment someplace near your house and your router/modem. The only exception to this is when you use IPv6. In many cases part of the IPv6 address has the mac address in it....it is not required to it is just commonly done.

Mac addresses are not actually unique. Manufactures only have so many and they reuse them after a time. Most people never see this but if you are in a large company that buys 1000s of the same laptop you will find that you get duplicates fairly often.

Now that is not to say a program can not grab the mac address off the motherboard but they also try to take things like the video card serial number or cpu serial number also. Lot of the anticheat programs think that lets them track but not to real hackers.