Mac Freezes on recording gameplay.

Alpha Mineron

Jun 12, 2015
So, yesterday I bought Shell shock Live game, its not a heavy game, I wanted to make a video of the gameplay so I used Quicktime to record screen and audio from a external mic.
the problem is that
the game runs fine when Quicktime is not recording
but the whole computer goes haywire when I start the recording. Everything goes into 2-3 FPS and then after some seconds it freezes. The whole hardware just heats up like crazy!
Can someone help me? I know Macs aren't the best at these things but I can buy a new Computer till 2 more years.
MacBook Pro Late2011 13inch
2.4GHz Intel Core i5
4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 3000 384MB
500GB hardrive.
I'm running Yosemite
For a builtin GPU, you are asking a lot in terms of the workload. Have you tried borrowing an external capture card to record your gameplay? Often times gameplay recording causes a system to work twice as hard. Once for rendering the game and twice for rendering the output frames to your system. Mac's with the iGPU's are built specifically towards a workstation/office grade system, not for gaming purposes.
For a builtin GPU, you are asking a lot in terms of the workload. Have you tried borrowing an external capture card to record your gameplay? Often times gameplay recording causes a system to work twice as hard. Once for rendering the game and twice for rendering the output frames to your system. Mac's with the iGPU's are built specifically towards a workstation/office grade system, not for gaming purposes.

Thanks For the response bro!!
I'll try getting an external capture card