Macate 'Cyberphones' Promise Unspoofable Face Recognition, Other Security Measures

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I bet at least part of the 'can't use photo' feature involves comparing multiple rapid succession images. Most people have subtle and not so subtle facial changes (eyes blink, nostrils flare/move, lips move) that would be hard to fake by twitching or vibrating a photo. The next natural choice would be a video, but screens have a different set of features, moire patterns, glare, etc. That said, if I needed to crack one, I would probably start out with high-res video of the 'key' person and work on playback device and environment to reduce/eliminate tell-tale signs that the phone camera was looking at a screen... it may still not work, after all this is what i came up with from a 3 minute think about it, these guys presumably have spent years working to make this as safe as possible and probably have additional tricks up their sleeve...
I thought part of reason Intel's real sense could use infrared and 3D was to solve the picture spoofing problem. Just the 3d camera part makes it much harder to spoof the camera and infrared images look much different than visible light and not easily replicated. I've read they can reliably distinguish identical twins. I'd be surprised if these guy weren't using similar methods.
so, facial recognition for the phone...

you have just been beaten half to death for your money, they left the phone because it wasn't an apple or other known expensive product, you want to call for help, it tells you "you're not my owner" and will not activate.

yea... i don't want retinal scanning, fingerprint, or facial, even voice, all of these things can easily get messed up or change just enough to lock you out of something important.

i don't want fingerprint scanning in fear of a mugger deciding it would be a good idea to take a thumb too, retna... that is an even scarier prospect. face i doubt someone would try to steal, but i have seen enough people get messed up to the point you couldn't tell who they are anymore (to be fair i have seen people get punched in the face and everyone around me tells me "look how bad they are swelling" but i cant tell a difference) and a fingerprint... how many of us have cut our thumbs or just any finger, you really want that locking you out if lets say you were in an accident?
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