Macbook Air - Can CPU be turbo-boosted?

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A friend of mine was playing CSGO and twitch streaming on his MacBook air and his CPU is being maxed out. Question: Is there anyway to turbo boost the CPU, just how you can do with Intel laptop CPUs?

The only other option that he can think of is the stream at 600p instead of his current 720p. Optional question: Also, is there utility to check the CPU temps? I'm wondering if his CPU is working so hard, that it's throttling.
Apple doesn't have anything in their BIOS to prevent Turbo Boost, so it should be on by default. Overclocking will likely be locked out. Do keep in mind that Apple has a pathological hatred towards fans and proper cooling, mainly because Steve Jobs hated those things, so MacBooks tend to run pretty hot when put under load. High temperatures lead to Turbo Boost not functioning as often, as the clocks only ramp up when thermal and power limits allow it, if the CPU is already running hot at the non Turbo speed, it won't run any faster.

Other than blowing out the dust and setting the fans to always run at maximum speed, there isn't much that can be done to improve cooling on a MacBook. If it is running too hot on this kind of workload and you can't get it to run cooler, then your friend may want to consider getting another system for his CS:GO and livestreaming needs if he's serious about doing it.