MacBook liquid damage help

Jan 27, 2019
Hello! My roommate spilled a drink on his keyboard. We got it dried immediately and it has worked for several days. Now it won't turn on. The battery appears to be charging, but it doesn't turn on when you press the button. 2012 MacBook air. Could it just be the keyboard? What can we do?
Question from gaschdav208 : "MacBook liquid damage"

Stop putting power through it and let it dry. Unfortunately the damage has likely already been done. In the future if you spill water onto electronics power it down immediately and do not turn it back on until you are sure it is completely dry.
Likely it is a major issue and not an easy fix. Dont bother going to apple for a fix since they will tell you it all needs replaced. There is one guy that owns a small electronics store in new york city called louis rossman. He publishes repair videos online to youtube. You may be able to mail it to him for board repair.