MacBook Pro won't turn on. Only turns on when I unplug/plug in battery.

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Dec 4, 2007

I have a macbook pro 13". Only way I can get my macbook pro to turn on is if I open it up and unplug the battery and plug it back in I can get it to boot up. Then everything works fine. But if i restart or shut down I gotta unplug the battery again for it to boot up.

Any idea what the issue could be so I can get it to boot up normally without having to unplug battery? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Did you do SMC reset and PRAM reset?

Here’s how to reset your PRAM:
Shut down your machine.
Press the power button and then press command-option-p-r as soon as you hear the chime.
Hold those keys down until your Mac reboots again and you hear the startup chime. Keep holding until it reboots again and you hear the chime again.
Let go of the keys and let your Mac reboot normally.

Shut down your machine.
Keep the power adapter plugged in.
Press at the same time shift-option-control (on the left side of the machine) and the power button
Let go (the color on the power adapter should change)
Turn your machine back on with the power button.

(You can also reset the SMC by having the battery and AC adapter unplugged and holding the power...
Did you do SMC reset and PRAM reset?

Here’s how to reset your PRAM:
Shut down your machine.
Press the power button and then press command-option-p-r as soon as you hear the chime.
Hold those keys down until your Mac reboots again and you hear the startup chime. Keep holding until it reboots again and you hear the chime again.
Let go of the keys and let your Mac reboot normally.

Shut down your machine.
Keep the power adapter plugged in.
Press at the same time shift-option-control (on the left side of the machine) and the power button
Let go (the color on the power adapter should change)
Turn your machine back on with the power button.

(You can also reset the SMC by having the battery and AC adapter unplugged and holding the power button for 10 seconds)■
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