MacBook Pros to Launch on Steve Jobs' Birthday?

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I can't wait to see and touch the new MBP! I do think some of you need to think about Mr. job's family, when making such unkind remarks. As for me,I will keep him and his family in my prayers.
I heard on the radio that he is getting cancer treatment and the outlook is looking real bad. I did hear this on Howard Stern , but still if that is true and he only has a couple of weeks to live that sucks. I hate apple as much as the next here, but I hate to see someone suffer with cancer its a nasty disease.


Dec 16, 2008

Your comments are distasteful and unwarranted.

Reading the various posts that continually denigrate Job's only reinforces my belief that Tom's is not my kind of place anymore. Isn't it time to move on? We get it... some of you hate Apple and Jobs. Ok, understood. Now move on.

Furthermore, if you cannot show compassion for someone who is dying of cancer, then who can you show compassion for? The comparisons of Job's or Obama to Hitler are equally as distasteful. It would be nice if civil discussions of the issues could be held without bringing in politics or ideologies.


Jul 3, 2009
Ok, I don't wish Steve Jobs ill will or that he dies. Whatever you may think of him he has contributed quite a bit to computing. That being said I'm sick and tired of his Mac-centric attitude that has permeated so far down that even Mac consumers think their better than everyone else just because they own a closed minded *excuse me* closed ecosystem that they paid 50% more than everyone else for.


GreaseMonkey_62, I own a MacBook Pro and a PC and I don't think I'm better than everyone else because of it so such claims are just stereotypical generalizations.

Secondly, how do you expect people to react to constantly being denigrated for their choice of a computer just because it costs more if not with polarization. People who keep banging on Apple customers like that set the stage for this "better than everyone else" attitude by themselves, or at least certainly don't help matters. Leave it be!

We pay more because we like it more. We'd love it if it were cheaper, but we recognize the fact that if we thought it wasn't worth it at all we wouldn't buy it. And why in the world would a Mac be worth it more to anyone? Well, they look better than most other laptops (to us at least), and they have a rather unique blend of features. Sure you can find a "PC" laptop with a multitouch mousepad or a backlit keyboard or light sensors or even aluminum unibody construction, but try finding one that has all of these features in a single device! Trust me I tried hard before finally succumbing to the decision to buy a MacBook. I could not find an alternative laptop that fit all of these features in one, and even when I found one that comes close (say has unibody construction, which is incredibly rare among "PC" laptops) guess what? They were pretty damn pricey too!

Of course then there's also OSX which is a huge benefit (again, to me) because of its more plug and play nature and a demonstrably better audio subsystem, great for us music producers and DJs.

So you could keep dissing people for their purchasing choices (an incredibly immature thing to do) with thoughtless stereotypical arguments or you could just drop it once and for all. Live and let live.

Wish I Was Wealthy

Nov 23, 2008
According to numerology,steve jobs birthday adds up to giving this a very nice number as long as I have added it up properly though...That is the number 9...Nime stands for one that cares & obviously he cares very much for himself...Since it is his 56th,birthday I wonder does that change anything about the number 9 principle...56 adds up to 2 & 2 is known as a feminine number in numerology...So 2 plus his birthday number 9 adds up to 11 & bring that down to 2..That is still a feminine number...I wonder...

Wish I Was Wealthy

Nov 23, 2008
Well time will see if this line will do any good,profit wise that is...Maybe it is just the wrong time,with this economic recession being around...His birth number 9 coupled with his 56th,birthday adds up to 2...I wonder if this will help apple to...


Dec 16, 2008
[citation][nom]Wish I Was Wealthy[/nom]On the serious side though,it is funny how they planned to launch the Macbooks on his birthday...[/citation]

Well, maybe the fact that he is gravely ill they wanted to show him some community support. Regardless of who you are, when you are looking death straight in the face it is nice to know that there are some people out there who actually care and are concerned for your well-being. Despite what many say about him, he is only human.
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