Machine Possible of running a Geforce GTX 1050Ti 4gig card?


Jul 27, 2017
Hi all,

Trying to update my machine, and i'm wondering if my machine can handle a GTX 1050Ti 4gig card,

I'm currently running a Gtx 650 (and its not keeping up with newer games now)

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM

Its currently running 3 monitors @ 1920x1080 each, with a power unit of 600W

I don't want to go slamming things in if its going to blow up on me ;-)

Especially given the cost on GFX cards - If i can't use a 1050ti can anyone offer advice on another good one at around the same price or cheaper? :)
Thanks for the answer mate, i picked up the card on the way home from work,

However a problem has happened,

If i plug in all 3 monitors to the card, after about 5mins all monitors seem to loose signal,

the only way i can keep all 3 on is having one plugged into the HDMI port, one into the DVI and one back into the MB,

- Also after starting the machine up this morning i noticed the middle monitor (HDMI connected one) seemed to be at a lower-resolution than the other two with no option to take it higher unless i restarted the machine

Any ideas?