mustafa.islam1548 :
Ok so I have used Reflect and made an image of my main drive. I also used the windows method so now I have 2 images, one in the macrium's format and one in windows' format. The macrium made image is only 79gb while the windows one is 96gb. My main drive that the image is of, has 96gb of used space. Does macrium do some compression with the files, or are some things missing from it? Does it include all the windows boot files and everything else?
Yes, Macrium does a bit of compression.
It also leaves off things that are not needed, like the pagefile and hibernation file.
From the v7 user manual:
Sector Copy
Only backup the sectors that are being used by data on the disk. Pagefile (pagefile.sys) and hibernation ( hiberfil.sys) will also be excluded"
And yes, it includes
everything needed to reconstitute that image to a fully working, bootable drive.
Just for my own peace of mind when I started using it, I tested this out specifically.
Create an image of the C drive.
Take that physical drive out, put in a different one
Boot from the Macrium Rescue CD I had created earlier, tell it which image and which new drive
The new drive worked exactly as the previous one did.
Exact full functionality.