'Mafia III' Runs At 30 FPS At Launch, Developers Working On Framerate Patch

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So they were worried about performance on the PC and limited it to 30FPS? That's a stupid thing to do.

I guess the recent bad reviews for games that have poor PC performance scared them. This will probably also get them some bad reviews because it is probably due to poor PC optimization. I mean why else put a FPS cap on?

One other thing, PC and console performance has never been consistent. PCs have always been ahead of consoles in capability and while most console games do get locked to 30FPS we can run them at much higher rates and settings.
Agreed, lamest excuse i heard in a long while - it gave me a good laugh! 30fps on a good gaming PC will get the game poor reviews if its caped as 30fps is not even playable when used to 100+ fps.
Another game I probably will skip.
If the practices of the developer are like this, most likely there are a lot of other things that I dont want to find about.
"We want the performance to be consistent across all 3 platforms".
Allow me to rephrase that:
"We dont want the PC version to be better than the console version" (Or in other words, its a console port, that we dont want to make any better for PC).
It's a crap game anyway, I don't know what anyone expected after Mafia 2. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest, even though I wasn't expecting this particular blunder.
Indeed, last decade it's healthy to give games about 6-12 months headstart... You get it cheaper, it gets patched and hardware capable running it gets [strike]faster [/strike] cheaper as well.

Really, really stupid. Anyone creating PC games should know that PC gamers expect 60fps as a bare-minimum, and a game at 30FPS on PC will be considered to be defective.

I'd find that really hard to do most of the time, but right now I have so many games to play that this is a pretty good option for all but a couple of games I'm really looking forward to.

I remember the first video game crash when I was a kid. Developers would do well to keep in mind that there are so many games these days, that it's easy for people to skip flawed games, or even reject whole development houses, and give their money to more conscientious developers.

Same here... TES: Arena
I'm playing it and even with the cap it's a great game - very pretty! I love this series and unlike many people commenting I can be patient and wait for a patch. I think they did a great job and am loving the story so far! GO GO MAFIA III!!

For what's worth I have not had a single crash or issue with the game.
Wish they where honest, I'm sure the patch will include some fixes so it can be playable on the pc above 30. Probably so buggy if they allowed unlimited fps it wouldn't play. PC games should costs less with all the buggy junk that comes out. Charge 40 for the game today and 60 if they ever get it right. Till this day I still hate "rage" for how bad it was when it came out and it took over 6 months before it was playable for most gamers. I just pray Battlefiled 1 and Titanfall is released without MAJOR problems. Mafia 3 will be a 20 purchase next year and will probably by then play well. It's not worth playing buggy games even if they where free. (the fact is the developer should reinmburse us for the time we waste trying to get their buggy games to work, isn't that part of their job before release) I mean really 60 bucks for a game that doesn't work should be criminal, it should be against the law to sell games this buggy.
This wont stop until consumers make them stop. Stop buying games day 1 when they are crappy console ports. Stop preordering digital content. Etc.

Make them earn your $s and they will stop putting out buggy crap; they will stop over promising and under delivering.
but, but... I need to PREORDER so I can get a gold-colored gun, or better yet an overpowered weapon so I have an advantage over other people because you know, it's not a fun game unless I'm cheating.

(Actually, I'm only just NOW looking at Witcher 3. I wait until games are polished then buy them on sale with full DLC etc if applicable... )

MAFIA 2 was actually fun so I may give Mafia 3 a shot later. Only so much time though.

personally im on stable frame rate > higher frame rate potential.

that said, i beat tower of guns at 5fps due to a bug in the engine, so i'm FAR more tolerant of lower frame rates then some people are.



That guy had to use DSR at 4K to get it to look decent. It is either running at a lower resolution and being upscaled or low quality textures.

I don't mind less than 60FPS. I just think the idea to lock it to 30FPS is stupid how PC gamers tend to react to that and that we shouldn't need a 30FPS lock.

it is either lazy game design, as in they ported it and didn't remove it, or to cover up poor optimization.
Yes Jimmy I find the game pretty. Sorry you don't think so from a screenshot? Play it then comment. The only thing I find annoying is the easy AI - when they search they come right to you - easy to perform brutal kills from the doorway. This seems unchanged even on the hard setting.

Otherwise, I love this game - and still find it very pretty (2560x1440 120hz IPS with a 1080 here).
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