Mage updates?



Archived from groups: (More info?)

While I appreciate the effort, I've been underwhelmed the last couple
of weeks. The ranks and nature of the Arcana are *too* much like those
of the Spheres, leading to a strong feeling of "I've known this for
YEARS!" Tho I haven't bothered cracking open my MtA books to see if the
same effects are available at the same levels yet...

Well, only a few more days till we hopefully are told some things that
we DON'T already know!^~

hoping Horizon Realms or the like will be available...
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Hand-of-Omega wrote:
> While I appreciate the effort, I've been underwhelmed the last couple
> of weeks. The ranks and nature of the Arcana are *too* much like those
> of the Spheres, leading to a strong feeling of "I've known this for
> YEARS!" Tho I haven't bothered cracking open my MtA books to see if the
> same effects are available at the same levels yet...
> Well, only a few more days till we hopefully are told some things that
> we DON'T already know!^~
> Dex,
> hoping Horizon Realms or the like will be available...

Keep in mind the previews aren't just for the people who already had
Mage: The Ascension. They're for anyone who may be potentially
interested in Mage: The Awakening. Old Mage players, old WoD players who
never played Mage, new WoD players, and people who have never played any
WoD at all, and even people who have never played an RPG at all.

Just because you're a little underwhelmed because you already know the
material pretty well, doesn't mean it's not worth having up.

Ian A. A. Watson