Magic smoke from GPU and powerdown after water spillage.

Aug 8, 2018
I spilled water on my computer 3 days ago. I've been keeping my parts under fans ever since.

I plugged it in this morning and got SMOKE and a sizzle sound coming from the GPU. The computer immediately turned off. Without the GPU the computer runs fine thankfully.

Now my question:
Is my GPU now a 300$ paperweight, or should I attempt to take it apart and dry it off further maybe give it an alcohol bath and then try again with it?
Or should I take it to an electronics shop?
Or do anything at all to salvage the thing?

I have taken it apart and I don't see any damage or corrosion or anything. I'm guessing the water is in one of the integrated circuits...

If I plug it in my motherboard will it ruin any other parts or the slot?

i'd agree with punkncat. It's most likely dead. Defo don't risk putting it back in it could certainly cause further damage to the mobo or socket.

Maybe put it in a bowl with rice/silica for a day or two and let the water come out of it as much as possible. Then if you had a secondary system, pop it into that to test, rather than fry a primary machine.

I'm sure someone will answer this thread and recommend 'baking' it. Don't do that!