mail in rebate on micro-center/newegg outside of the U.S


Nov 19, 2015
i'm planing to build an 600-700$ gaming pc , and i was wondering if the micro-center /newegg mail in rebates works outside of the U.S , i live on the dominican republic and the plan that i have in mind is, that my uncle is going to travel to the U.S on black friday and pick up a cpu + motherboard combo on micro-center ,and bring them to the DR when he goes back , the thing is that the motherboard has a 20$ mail in rebate on it , and i was wondering if the mail in rebate works outside of the U.S, and if they work , i need to claim the mail in rebate on a special way or not?

i ask the same for the newegg mail in rebates outside of the U.S

in advance i apogolize if i messed up with the grammar, because english is not my main languaje 😛
Stop focusing on this mythical rebate.
If you were to completely disregard whatever rebate there might the part you wish to buy at a price you would wish to pay for it?
If so, then do that. If not, wait until it goes on sale with no mail in rebate. Or buy something else.

well i have a uncle that lives in miami can i put his mailling address istead of mine? BTW why do i need to put a mailling address? I thought that they send you the gift card via email

I've seen it both ways. The last couple were a physical gift card in the actual mailbox.
Asus monitor and XFX vid card.

does it matter if i put my uncle billing addres instead of mine? (cuz i don't live in the U.S) and the same thing applies to micro-center mail in rebates too?

Again, you need to check the specific details of each rebate. That means going to the component manufacturer's web site and looking up their rebate policy.

-Wolf sends

From a random rebate at Microcenter:
"The address on your rebate application must match the billing address on the receipt, packing slip or invoice."

So unless your uncle is paying for it as well, that will not work.

As above, go to the website, look up the relevant rebate, and see exactly what the terms are.

well the mayority of rebates ask for a billing address, what do i need to do if i want to take advantage of the mail in rebate?

The billing address must match the address where you wish the rebate gift card to be sent to.

For instance...
If you buy the part with your card and billing address, and then want to have the rebate sent to me at my US address...that will not work.
The two addresses must match.

Or, you could buy something that does not involve a mail in rebate.

so the the billing address of the mail in rebate need's to be the same address that the credit card has?

If I buy it, with my card and my billing address for that credit card, you cannot have the rebate card sent to a different address.
Fraud prevention.

oh ok , what about if i have someone that i know that lives on the U.S and he can purchase the component and complete the mail in rebate him self and after he receives the gift card he send's me the money later, he need's to keep the component until the rebate is processed before he can send it to me , or he can send me the component while the rebate is still in proccess?

If you have a friend or relative that would go through all that work and effort, and that trusts you that much, and that you trust him that much...for a $20 benefit to you and $0 benefit to him, go for it.
You may run into warranty issues, though.

Someone is going to have to pay the shipping (twice), and you will almost certainly have to pay some sort of customs duty when you receive it.
Shipping twice = From Newegg to him + him to you.

Is getting a $20 gift card, 3 months from now, really worth all that effort?
Stop focusing on this mythical rebate.
If you were to completely disregard whatever rebate there might the part you wish to buy at a price you would wish to pay for it?
If so, then do that. If not, wait until it goes on sale with no mail in rebate. Or buy something else.