Main differences between GTX 770 and 780??

Brandon Lawhorn

Feb 3, 2013
I have been searching for the main reason someone should get a 780 over a 770. I would like to be able to run next gen titles at the highest settings as possible, like The Division, Watch Dogs, etc. and hope for good fps (I have a 144hz monitor at 1080p as well) Would the GTX 770 SC w/ ACX be good for the next gen titles or would a GTX 780 be worth the "MAJOR" price difference. I am not sure I am willing to spend the extra cash unless you all think it is absolutely worth it.
Lightning is a very nice card (anyone wanna donate a pair ?) but it needs to be said that it's $120 more than a stock 780 and almost twice the price of the 770 Frozr........ Twin Frozr is same price as the 770 reference cards .... So with $400 for the Frozr versus $770 for the Lightning, twin Frozrs would be by far the better price / performance ratio. Two Gigabyte Windforce 770s are cheaper than the 780 Lightning
I wasn't suggesting the Lightning card (there's a GTX 770 version too). I was just going for the latest benchmark charts, which just happened to be the Lightning. All the same, it's important to see what a factory overclocked GTX 780 can do; better than Titan levels of performance for "only" $650.

I think the other thing is to show that in Crysis 3, the difference between a 770 and a 780 is the difference between playable and not really playable framerates.

Would this be a better card than the GTX 770 SC w/ ACX in your opinion?