Mainstream post 300 series?


Jun 25, 2009
So we already know that the low end market is going be replaced by the 210, 220 and the 240 (in some cases already is), the 250 GTS will stay in the mid low market, as entry level mainstream, what will we have for the higher end mainstream? Are the prices of the 200 GTX cards going to come down? will we get a lower cost version of the 300 series (with fewer steam processors and lower memory bandwidth)?


So what are my best option for an upgrade for 8800GT? From what I hear the 240 GT will be inferior to the 250 GTS, and the 250GTS is a minor upgrade for the most part. If I stay with Nvidia, the 260gtx seems like my only option, any hopes of prices on it dropping soon and possibly a die shrink? I really dont wanna go ATI unless I have to X_x
I am using 1280 by 1040, so not very demanding. My only issue is power draw, I currently run a 480 watt PSU, its nice little PSU (not a case generic) and I have been running it for almost 5 years now (was pretty top of the line back than) so I dont wanna upgrade it, how more power does a 260GTX draw compared to a 8800GT?

And again, do you think there will be a price drop on the 200 GTX line in the next month or two? cause I can wait a bit.
I doubt theyll drop. The new 5xxx series from ATI is somewhat in short supply because of process issues at TSMC, where theyre made, and nVidia has put a EOL on alot of their cards, clearing inventory.
Until more cards come into the market, prices most likely will hold
I guess I am sort of against naturally crippled cards, last time I used a GPU with a 128bit memory interface was my old 6600GT 5 years ago, and back than it was enough. Nowadays I ma sure that the rest of the hardware, especially those zippy GDDR5 chips are probably getting chocked by the 128bit interface.

Also DX11 is a non-issue for me, practicably no games support it, and I am sure that the 5700 card would choke if they actually tried running DX11 features 😛

I am actually considering 4870 cards? how do they stack up with the Geforce 260? Both from a performance as well as efficiency stand point (power draw).
Well from the reviews that I have read, the 5770 gets beat by the 4870 more often than not, considering that the 5770 has faster settings the memory bus is the only thing to blame imo, also the current price difference is around 40-50$ in favor of the 4870, the fast card. Unfortunately the 4870 is even a bigger power hog than the 250gts/260gtx, thus I am gonna spare my PSU the potential meltdown 😛

I guess I wait.