Major Black Screen of Death Problem


Apr 5, 2013
Hi - My girlfriend's laptop seems to be suffering the Black Screen of Death. I tried turning it on and holding down the F8 key to enter safe mode. I also tried tapping the F8 key. I tried holding down the F5 key. Also the F2. But nothing happens. When I turn it on, it starts on the black screen and never leaves it.The computer is definitely turning on because I see lights and hear sounds.

Any thoughts on what I can do?


Maybe it's wet - dry it out. Maybe its been dropped - get another one. Pull it apart and see if you can see anything obvious. If not take it to a laptop shop for a quote on repairing it.

Laptops aren't near as easy to repair as PC's. PC's pull apart easy. Laptops don't.
Thanks, honestly I don't think it's a black screen of death after all. I made some progress in fixing it though time will tell if the problem comes back or not.