Major Computer Slowdown- A Virus causing this? (Updated)

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Ant Vo

Aug 5, 2014
Hello. My laptop currently is in very bad condition (software wise) I think. Ever since the day I bought it, I have been facing issues. On my Windows 8 boot-up, it took 3 hours to set the laptop up (12 A.M. to 3 A.M. (yes, I stayed up late)). Now, opening a simple game such as SanctuaryRPG and the web browser causes serious lag and freezes. However, when playing a game for a couple minutes, the computer becomes less laggy and makes the game and the whole computer usable.

Another thing is that at some random times, I can't open File Explorer. When pressing the icon on the bottom bar thing (with the clock and wifi signal indicator), the icon will just glow and not load. Also, when right-clicking on the desktop or in the file explorer, the system freezes with the blue circle. Eventually, the whole desktop turns black and the desktop just reappears.

One more thing, blue screens are common. Very, very, very, very common. In fact, I have just got three today (11/3/14).

What I think the problem is is a virus. I have seen online that if a virus gets onto your computer and stays on for a while, it will get in deeper and "trash" your system. That is probably what happened to me.

If anyone here has any solutions to this issue, please inform me. My laptop right now is trash and is practically a barely working brick in the house. If it is a virus, can you tell me any good virus security applications (besides Malware-Bytes and Kaspersky)?

Anthony V.

(Update:) Another thing is that my laptop dropped from 6 feet out of a car trunk in a bag. This could also be the problem.
I dont have a clue. The fan is maybe broke and overheating the laptop and causing it to throttle. The hdd could be damaged. There is no way to tell. Take it to someone who has some experience with fixing laptops and see what they say.
Unless you have been to very iffy sites, doubt its a virus an dmore likely just a bad install.

I would do a full factory reset, wiping out everything so that it is back to the way it cam eout of the box.

Then uninstall all the crappy bloatware that manufacturers install.

Install all the latest drivers available.

Install CCLeaner to remove any left over rubbish and then see how it goes.

If after that it still runs like a dog in cement shoes, take it back.

A good AV is Microsoft Security Essentials if you only visit trusted webstes, light weight, so won't slow system down.

Also recommend you install Firefox with Adblock Plus plugin, EFF Privacey Badger and EFF HTTPS Everywhere.

I should probably add this. I have reset my computer about 5 times (I think if I remember). I used Samsung's pre-installed recovery suite. This was because BitDefender would actually destroy my computer and fail the boot-up process. After further analysis, it seemed that my BIOS was corrupted (what?).

I have uninstalled the bloatware that manufactures install. It is the first thing I do when I reset my laptop. Most of the stuff they send you is practically useless anyways. I just installed all the latest drivers a while ago (maybe 2 to 4 weeks ago) because a game wasn't working properly on my laptop. So I went full out and updated everything.

I have been using CCLeaner for actually quite a while (maybe since 2012). My uncle came to visit and he showed me the application. AdBlock Plus has also been something I have been using for a while. Unfortunately, I can't send it back. It has been almost 2 years since I had this laptop (I bought it on Black Friday of 2012). I am pretty certain that they won't accept it. Also, most of my files are on this laptop.

Thanks for the help though! Maybe my laptop's hard drive is broken in a way? How much damage do you think a laptop would take from a six feet fall?


Ok, I have changed the question. The thing is, it was in a bag with lots of other things around it to soften the fall. It didn't really come out with that much damage. There is only a giant dent in one corner of the laptop and the side panel is now easily removable. I am not sure about the Hard Drive and probably do not want to open it to check it.

Ok. Do you think that the Hard Drive could have been damaged or any other part? The bag had lots of things in it to protect the laptop. In the end, the only major thing (that I saw) was that there was a large crack in the bottom-right corner.

(I think something inside the computer broke or got chipped.)
I dont have a clue. The fan is maybe broke and overheating the laptop and causing it to throttle. The hdd could be damaged. There is no way to tell. Take it to someone who has some experience with fixing laptops and see what they say.

Ok, thanks!

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