My PC is getting old again and i need an upgrade, but it's the first time i'm actualy doing it myself, so would like a bit of advice.
Approximate Purchase Date: not swetting it, but the sooner, the better
Budget Range: up to about $2500
System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, listening to music, watching videos, some programing projects for uni
Are you buying a monitor: yes, i need one badly, since my curent one is 1440x900 and about 12 years old
Parts i'm not planning on upgrading: RAM, 16GB should be just fine, i can always add it later. Case, storage memory (1TB + 110GB SSD) and optical drive should also work.
Parts to Upgrade: GPU and CPU, which means i also need to change the motherboard and + water cooling
Do you need to buy OS: No (at least i don't think so, i think i have it linked to the microsoft account)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: no real preference. Websites like amazon sometimes have issues shipping to Poland, so i'll probably end up buying the things wherever i can find them for the lowest price.
Location: Warsaw Poland
Parts Preferences: none
Overclocking: maybe, never done it though
SLI or Crossfire: probably not
Your Monitor Resolution: current 1440x900, need better, i was thinking 1440p, since it's cheaper than 4k and i really can't spend more on this
Additional Comments: Mostly i want to know if there won't be any stupid issues with this setup, like power suply not being able to power all the things or something.
I also worry if i'm not making a mistake getting something pricy (like the gpu) of this list while i could get something cheaper for similar performace, or if getting a bigger premade thing will be more expensive than the sum of it's parts (i.e. normal gpu + buy a waterblock separetly).
Also, i don't realy care about pretty lights and such. I'd rather it work in the first place.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: the setup i have is all 2 or 3 gens old and quite ustable, crashes often
As for the parts:
This is what i've been looking at, cpu, motherboard, monitor and power -wise
Here i'm the most nervous about power supply. I don't know how water cooling works or how it connects (first time using it), and i worry the ps won't have enough of the right conections. Or the motherboard. I really don't know where the pump is plugged in :[
Graphics card would be the rtx 2080 with a water block
And for cooling i was thinking of getting this kit + two fittings for graphics card
With 3 fans it should be enough cooling for cpu and gpu i hope.
As is the whole setup adds up to around 2490 dollars according to my calculations.
My PC is getting old again and i need an upgrade, but it's the first time i'm actualy doing it myself, so would like a bit of advice.
Approximate Purchase Date: not swetting it, but the sooner, the better
Budget Range: up to about $2500
System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, listening to music, watching videos, some programing projects for uni
Are you buying a monitor: yes, i need one badly, since my curent one is 1440x900 and about 12 years old
Parts i'm not planning on upgrading: RAM, 16GB should be just fine, i can always add it later. Case, storage memory (1TB + 110GB SSD) and optical drive should also work.
Parts to Upgrade: GPU and CPU, which means i also need to change the motherboard and + water cooling
Do you need to buy OS: No (at least i don't think so, i think i have it linked to the microsoft account)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: no real preference. Websites like amazon sometimes have issues shipping to Poland, so i'll probably end up buying the things wherever i can find them for the lowest price.
Location: Warsaw Poland
Parts Preferences: none
Overclocking: maybe, never done it though
SLI or Crossfire: probably not
Your Monitor Resolution: current 1440x900, need better, i was thinking 1440p, since it's cheaper than 4k and i really can't spend more on this
Additional Comments: Mostly i want to know if there won't be any stupid issues with this setup, like power suply not being able to power all the things or something.
I also worry if i'm not making a mistake getting something pricy (like the gpu) of this list while i could get something cheaper for similar performace, or if getting a bigger premade thing will be more expensive than the sum of it's parts (i.e. normal gpu + buy a waterblock separetly).
Also, i don't realy care about pretty lights and such. I'd rather it work in the first place.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: the setup i have is all 2 or 3 gens old and quite ustable, crashes often
As for the parts:
This is what i've been looking at, cpu, motherboard, monitor and power -wise
Here i'm the most nervous about power supply. I don't know how water cooling works or how it connects (first time using it), and i worry the ps won't have enough of the right conections. Or the motherboard. I really don't know where the pump is plugged in :[
Graphics card would be the rtx 2080 with a water block
And for cooling i was thinking of getting this kit + two fittings for graphics card
With 3 fans it should be enough cooling for cpu and gpu i hope.
As is the whole setup adds up to around 2490 dollars according to my calculations.