Some of that customization actually worked, thanks. What I have a lot of trouble with is file management, I'm used to seeing all of my drives in a nice tree, nothing's really changed since the beta days of WinNT, and now I can't even see those. I right click Start expecting an "explore" option, and instead I get "Open Windows Explorer" which is some kind of evil abomination of a file manager, and now I can't find anything.
I see the C: drive icon and can start to tunnel down the file tree like in days of old, but holy crap, Favorites, Libraries, Homegroup, and a bunch of other useless crap is in there too, with about 3/4" of white space all around it, what a bloated waste of space!!! Gimme back the old explorer.exe interface, I couldn't change skins or make it neon or any other fancy crap, but it damn sure had simplicity!