I am looking to build my first computer. And I want to spend about 1000 dollars. I chose some parts I liked the look of(of the specs not the actual look). And I ended up with about 11 hundred dollars. How could I cut off about one hundred dollars without sacrificing a lot of the specs.
Parts I'm looking at for now
Also when should I buy?
I was thinking to wait for cyber Monday/black Friday but I don't know if I should wait that long. Are there any other sale seasons I should look for?
I am getting an Windows from my father's company's IT service for free
Posted Later: what about http://pcpartpicker.com/user/AndreasBadea/saved/tQTPxr
Parts I'm looking at for now
Also when should I buy?
I was thinking to wait for cyber Monday/black Friday but I don't know if I should wait that long. Are there any other sale seasons I should look for?
I am getting an Windows from my father's company's IT service for free
Posted Later: what about http://pcpartpicker.com/user/AndreasBadea/saved/tQTPxr