I'm looking for a way to make some cash, not roll in trucks of money but make a descent amount. Every job I look at is only fast food hiring, and I really don't want to do that - I'd rather use my computer skills in both programming, software, and hardware to earn money in some way, but I am stumped. I already tried web hosting back in 2014 which went alright but I did not receive enough income to merit the costs.
What are some other options? I am obviously not desperate for money but would like a little cash flow here and there by doing something that I enjoy related to computers. Is Youtubing and putting Ads on videos a good way to make any cash? I just need some general advice and experiences from you all, thanks!
What are some other options? I am obviously not desperate for money but would like a little cash flow here and there by doing something that I enjoy related to computers. Is Youtubing and putting Ads on videos a good way to make any cash? I just need some general advice and experiences from you all, thanks!