malfunctioning asus motherboard


Jan 26, 2014
So one day i had spilled a drink on my PC. I immediately unplugged it and started cleaning it off as some of the drink had touched the Mobo. i didn't turn it on for about a week as i kept cleaning it and making sure it was dry. However, now there are some problems. The network adapter no longer works as it shows i have none installed. i tried going to the asus website and installing it but its not working. Also the sound card has gone out. i ended up buying a external network adapter for wifi and an external sound card. is there any way to fix these parts even tho they were a part of the mobo?

i have an ASUS Crosshair V formula mobo

Well it has been about a month since the incident. The only other thing that stopped working were the usb ports that the liquid actually touched. Since i am having to use my wireless adapter do you know of any good usb ethernet alternatives?
You can put a Ethernet card in your system 20 bucks or so you can install a cheap sound card 20 bucks or so and then you can add a cheap usb card 20 bucks or so there for you have 60 plus dollar added to your costs might want to consider a new board for around 100????
Yeah looks like a new mobo is my best option. There is one more thing i forgot to mention about the whole situation. i doubt it'll change anything, but after i had my pc cleaned and finally turned back on everything was working fine. Then i got a blue screen. Even after that, once i restarted everything was working. when i powered it down and came back to it the next day the network adapter didn't work. and after that THEN the sound stopped working.