Mantle is Finally Out - And Guess What? Its not about Increasing GPU Performance.


Jul 24, 2012
Peeps, mantle is out. And it aint gonna increase your gpu performance if you have a good rig. Its about helping out low-end CPUs with their workload. LOL. Not sure how i feel about this... :/
It does kinda what I expected. AMD has always (Or at least recently) hada weaker CPU Division. Makes sense to me it would work this way.

Cant wait for more Benchmarks
BF4 as some kind of benchmark is crap IMHO. 80% of FrostBite 3 feature disabled in BF4 and it is possible it just cant' utilize Mantle features. Like everyone says, let's wait for more benchmarks, in other games when they out.

Still there is some improvement to be honest.
Considering the hype and all the PR that has been going on for the last couple of months the performance increases seem a bit pitiful to me, I've seen people post such things as "it will make a 270 twice as fast as a 760" and looking at the numbers I'm not seeing that.
Do you always believe random bullshit from every person posting?

Amd promised something and from the numbers ive seen they kept their word. If people failed to understand what they got it's their fault. On top of that Mantle benefits will increase as times goes by. Well see the biggest gains on the starswarm demo coming this feb since they build the engine around Mantle and didn't tak it on top like BF4.

Where are the complaints? Care to provide some links?

DICE created three setups from low to high-end. Now I do have to make this statement; all setups seem to be CPU limited (which will benefit Mantle) which I find to be a little akward. You could say that this respect the DICE results are somewhat flawed and have been catered to make Mantle look good.

Entry-level gaming, mainstream gaming, and enthusiast gaming.

Entry-level Gaming - AMD A10-7850K APU, integrated Radeon R7 200 series GPU (512 stream processors, 720 MHz GPU clock) tested at 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. With Mantle, the game yielded about 14 percent higher frame-rates.

Mainstream level gaming - AMD FX-8350 with a Radeon HD 7970 run at 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution with 1x MSAA and "Ultra" preset. Here you'll notice a 26 percent higher frame-rates. However, AMD FX cores offer half the performance per core opposed to Intel Core series processors. Meaning that despite the good results, these tests still have been performed under a very CPU limited situation, and thus that explains the performance boost.

Enthusiast level gaming - An Intel Core i7-3960X CPU with two Radeon R9 290X (CrossFire) graphics. Now here again I find the choice in components versus game resolution weird, as it seems DICE created a CPU limited situation (two cards in Crossfire) at a relatively low 1920 x 1080 resolution, the game is set at "Ultra" preset with 4x MSAA. Here it made all the difference with an 58 percent increase in framerates.

Personally I feel that you do not invest 900 EUR worth of GPUs and 1000 EUR on a CPU and then will game at 1080P. The test would have been far more reliable if it was done at 2560x1440 with one card or Ultra HD with two cards.

Not everyone is as impressed as you it seems.
Once the driver is out im sure tom/linus/logan and pretty much everyone will run every benchmark possible. I really hope they run a 290 + 8350 + 4k since that is what i want to get (getting a 290 soon and waiting on a decent 60 Hz 4k monitor).

Lowering overhead CANNOT make a GPU magically faster so basically yes all it does is alleviate CPU bottlenecks.

That actually is funny! :lol: It beggars belief that there are actually Nvidia users out there who thought that Mantle had anything to do with them, oh well I guess they'll figure it out at some point.
You know, I can't help but think that even if mantle does not increase GPU performance in the absolute sense, it does so relatively if it reduces/eliminates CPU bottlenecks.
I don't know how many games support mantle or that in most games mantle is useful or not, but if it increases relative performance in the selective games it does support(I know only one: BF4), then that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Haha, DICE replied to the complaint that Nvidia users are getting a 1.2GB update of nothing on B4 .. some stuff about bug fixes LOL