Manual XMP / RAM overclock


Oct 31, 2017
Hello, I'm new to overclocking and have a few question considering ram clock speed and its boosting.

First when i wanted to set XMP in BIOS, it said "No XMP Support". I discovered that it is probably because OC Mode is on, which allows me to OC the cpu and it turned out that I can't run both XMP and OC Mode at the same time, so the recommended solution for this was manual XMP/RAM overclock.

My question is whether it is worth to do manually at all, since people say it adds a lot of pressure on IMC when overclocking both CPU and RAM? If it is possible and not too risky to be done, then may be anyone could provide me with some starting voltage values which i should try first and other general advice for starter?

i5 6600k (OC'd to 4.4 ghz)
MSI Z170A PC Mate
8Gb DDR4 2133MHz Corsair (CMV8GX4M1A2133C15)
Gigabyte GTX 970

Thank you