manually stopping one of the GPU fans with finger

Omar Strobe

Apr 15, 2014
i had a question. i was hearing a buzzing noise while playing a game and i wanted to find out if it was my graphic card doing that so i went ahead and opened up my case and i put my index finger on the fan to stop it for 1-3 seconds and it turns out it wasnt the issue. so my real question is, did me doing that put my gpu at risk to get damaged or make the fan likely to mess up later? i feel bad for doing this(never done this before) and i wanted to know if i put my gpu at risk? i have a r9 280x turboduo power color

ah ok and how would i know if both are both going simultaneously at the same rm? so im fine then? i feel bad for doing this now im gonna have a OCD about it thats why i came to ask this question
Well it's not the most healthy thing to do, but it shouldn't be a problem at all stopping it once, and if you only did it in 1-3 sec then the temps of the cards where probably fine (especially if you maybe where just on the desktop where youre not using your gpu that much?).

So no worries, I've done it myself by accident and in 1-3 sec too, nothing ever whent wrong with that fan. Though the motor in it probably doesn't like getting stopped. :)

so you did the same thing too? mine was the gpu fan, my gpu has 2 fans. so me doing that really quick wont mess it up? i tapped the fan blade then stopped it with my finger. real quick to check if that was the cause ofa noise and it wasn't. thats why i was concerned if i did anything to it or decreased its life or if doing that will affect how i play games and see the graphics and performance.

don't be worried, in the OC software (MSI and others) will show fan speed RPM, you can check both fan speeds.

This shouldn't really be an issue, don't worry!

The fans won't effect the gaming performance, only cooling, but as said before it will be fine.

oh ok yea well it has 2 fans i stopped the one closer to the rear of the pc, but ye ai started flippin out and gettin OCD about it cause i just got this card and now i feel like my life is affected by me putting my finger there and i feel like my card wont perform the same no more when i play game and ill see less fps on my games and les detail. thats how bad it got to me and thats why i came to ask

ok so i have nothing to worry about just pretend it never happened? im extremely paranoid now that everytime i turn on my pc form ehre and on i have to look at the gpu fans to make sure that one in particular will always be spinning


masi afterburner doesnt show my rpms for each fan, any other software?

i set it at the lowest at 20% hardware monitor is showing 1082-1084 rpm and the max it could go says is 1705. it doesn't show two separates speed for each fan though.

oki looked with my own eyes at 20% then i moved it to 43% while i kept my eyes on the fans then sped it up, then did the same thing except moved it up to 70% they both look even to me.

oh ok.. you think i overreacted being concerned about this? they both look even.