lol this looks way more oversensationalized by the hackers than it really is. Intel is NOT shivering in fear right now lmfao.
What likely happened was that a computer in the offices of Centerm Information Co, located in the Fujian province of China, got hacked and the NDA files that Intel shared with Centerm got stolen, which is far different from the (cough) crown jewels secrets of Intel's designs being stolen. And it would not surprise me that Intel would provide a zip password of "intel123" to NDA partners as something that is easy to remember.
Being that China has been designing their own CPUs and OS for the past 10+ years now because they no longer trust the CPUs and Microsoft Windows provided by American companies (China is the world's biggest thieves of IP knowledge so they also think all other companies are thieves lol), I seriously doubt Intel is sharing their crown jewels of knowledge with a China company like Centerm. So this is nowhere near as juicy as the hackers like to brag about when they said "the future parts of this leak will have even juicier and more classified stuff ". All tech companies are very aware that NDA information that they share with others is still susceptible to leaks, either purposely or accidentally shared with others, so the really top-secret company-confidential stuff will not get shared to even Intel's closest partners. And Centerm does NOT fall inside Intel's closest ring of trust lmao.
Hackers and scammers always like to brag about stealing stuff that they don't really have. Another example is the "sextortion" emails that thousands of people, including me, have received. In those scam emails, the FAKE hacker says that they installed a virus spyware on my computer after I visited a porn site (FAKE #1) and they recorded videos of me masturbating to porn videos (FAKE #2) that they threaten to publish online unless I pay them hundreds of dollars to their bitcoin account. These sextortion scam emails are likewise filled with boasting about them claiming that they have lots of incriminating videos on me and how powerful the hackers are and how they know that I read their email (FAKE #3 since I never send any read receipts and there is no way to instrument plain-text emails to contain spyware or to manually send a read receipt). This boasting by the Centerm hackers (Intel was not hacked, a computer at Centerm's office in China was hacked) sounds just like the fake sextortion email scammers bragging lol.