Massive FPS drop in games that last 5-10 seconds

Oct 12, 2018
MB: ASRock 970 extreme 4
CPU: AMD FX-3850 black
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB strix OC
Ram: 16GB 4x4 GB
PS: Be Quiet 700w Gold

when ever i play games i get sudden FPS drops from 60+ fps to about 10-20fps but it feels like 2fps, while this happens everything on my comp seems to lag even my mouse and keyboard leds lag and studder.

all temps are fine and nothing obivous is showing on task manager.
please help me so i can play games normaly again!

i have done all the standed stuff like disabling cool and quiet and most little fixes like that and nothing is helping
Have you gone into the control panel and changed the power option to max performance? You might be on power saving since its locking that low. Also some of those boards have a "slow" switch that can be turned on and off